hello! surprise yea? lols. i'm back lehs. lols. studies are getting harder and harder. i dono whether i still can cope with it not. hope that i can go into 3E2. yea yea.hope that miriacle will happen laa. beauty comes from wisdom.(: totally agree! i will study hard hard and real hard to get into my class with the best results. pray hard that i can really make it come true yayas.? lols. oh and i have finished watchin the FALLING IN LOVE show. the show is real niceee. even yuzhen agrees with me. hehes. yes.its a real nice show. starring Eunice Ng, Phyllis Sim,Jesseca Liu the 3 beauties. willian san,zhang yaodong and so on..... the episode 21 to the last episode that is 25 will be very exiciting.! yesyes.its real intreseting! i help my xinyi to record episode 20 in my phone and it always hang my phone when i try to view it. tsk. yes! zhengzishan.capable.intelligent,bless with both looks and talent.(: zhengzihui.kind,fillial,but do not really have the look till the last episode . zh...
Walking towards Dreams