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Showing posts from May 5, 2008
Hello dearies. it's still an exam week, yes, and why are you still blogging here?! JOYCE, YOU MUST BE STUDYING! it's physics & chinese paper 2 tomorrow. Maths paper 2 today was pretty hard. My mind totally went blank towards most of the question. you can see my blank face there man. and 2 hours for the paper is not enough thou. i cant even finished the whole paper man. i leave 2 questions completely blank. :x Well, i think i'm mugging tonight for physics. I dont wan my science to drop. YES, GOOO JOYCE. ♥ I just read sehseh's blog for FH2. & it really sounds super intreseting la. it's airing on hongkong on 19may. Mum's day! :D finally FH2 is coming up after long filming finished long ago. i can watched ah-sheh again! :D hehehs! & guess what? PARENTAL GUIDANCE 2 is up on 20may! woot~ jessicahsuan is here again! i think she'll be coming to singapore to promote PG2. [: *YEA! happyyyy! but for now, FOCUS must be ON EXAMS, JOYCE! oh! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEL...