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Showing posts from May, 2013
“懂得打扮不是爱美,是尊重。” 那打扮时,不是要花很多钱吗?! 不用。。。看那上面搭配的衣服吗?整套还少过20块!!! 嘻嘻。 okay, i think when you are emo-ing, chinese works best.  but when you are recommending something, chinese is terrible. LOL so back to english.  OK, budget action.  1) Inner piece - $5 (F21) 2) Blue outer wear is at $10 only!! *CHEAP & GOOD* from! 3) black skorts from BKK! (65 baht which translate to about $2.50) who says dolling up needs to spend so much?  I think i might turned my blog to some OOTDs style or some budget clothes style or maybe some food recommendation style etc.  Determined to get the blog up alive again & hopefully to meet different sponsors as well! ^^ counting down to 8 days to BKK~ Chao~~
“每段故事都有一点剧情。。。” 睡觉前的时刻总是让人想很多。 不开心时,哭一下真的会舒服点。 有时会埋怨为什么这个世界本来就不公平? 为什么有人可以轻易的得到他想得到的东西但有些需要很用功的去争取呢? 有时用功也没有用,虽然用心去办一件事,但始终你都得不到。  我。。。到底要等到几时才能有出头的一天呢? 朋友说我们踏第一步进这个圈子时,很多人都认为我们是为了风光点,为了要成名才一脚踏进娱乐圈,但是他们有没有想过我们不是为了这些呢? 我们真正要的是只是寻找我们的梦想,用心和努力去达到它。  别人一直以为演戏的我们很容易赚大钱,但这绝对是错的。 我们不是被签的艺人,所以老实说我们不会赚很多。 我们只是一群对演艺圈充满热诚的人--很希望有突破的一天。 老实的再说一句,真的不容易。 你没戏拍的时候,只能在家无所事事,因为你不懂你可以做什么。 哪一份工能让我们随时随地去拍戏呢? 我也不知道我能撑多久。。。  多希望有一天能让梦想变成自己的终身事业,此时这个梦想也不需要让我担心金钱上的烦恼。。 晚安了朋友们。。。
Lazy Joyce is Lazy! So what have i been doing the past few MIA months or weeks? I have to say my months of holidays are not the typical kind of holidays that normal teenagers go through! I've been busy with shoots and films and i believe its really special and it's going to a wonderful time having to experience all these! Though not easy, but if you like a thing, you wont give them up right? It is already the starting of May! Time indeed passes very very fast! Graduation day is coming on the 20th May and thereafter, a trip to bangkok with my favourite girls! I cant wait! see you thailand on 25-28 May! ^^ June is the month I'm looking forward to! It's going to be my first featured movie role shoot and also Mata Mata shoot! Imaging for the movie shoot is going to on the 19th this month and I cant wait! Not a big role at all but qualified for imaging, not so bad la hor? hahahaha oh wells, though its a small part, but every actors made them up into a big picture! H...