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heyheyhey people.
must faster blog b4 mummie's (: back
okok.. wad happened today was really funny.
we have our lessons as usual
P.E--> we were like preparing the game for captain's ball as we are goin to play on teacher's day.
then literature argh.. boring okkay
dono wads the teacher talking
recess! find mindy(: to return her GEO file as i forgotten to bring
cos my gal(yunqi(: ) took home my FILE!!
bad gal...
saw dawn's(: gang
say hello then i rush up!
to change back my uniform..
went to eat eat in recess(:
then the bell rang! ):
LINE up!
prefects check!
jeremy kana catch again! without the scoo badge
went back class (:
have maths, did the maths test.. and it comes out wierd questions ):
i cant score well for this time..
then it end (:
i just love newspaper cuttings
went library suppose to borrow books
then sis class got workshop inside ):
back to class
VP ALERT! haha
faster go back class cos we never tuck in shirt 3cm out..LOL
eng newspaper cutting fong hiding messages(:
teacher call us find our name and make a sentence
dont laugh.. haha..
then its science lessons
relief teacher in..
i tink mr koh went for national service?
then mr leong came in..we did the science workbook
i dont even know how to do
then yunqi do i copy... haha =D
smart hor?
she also anyhow do the lar
come out answers all wrong
that chapter mr koh also haven finished teaching yet..
then is assembly!
first time 1E5 seat at the last line and we got so much space and a big windy fan there!
haha.. its so windy until we wanna sleep..
haha.. very enjoy there
then we are the frrst wan to go..
haha.. then we procced to opera room and eat eat..
i not changing CCA, i having both (:
band & opera is my passion =D
they simply rawks!
opera, we ordered 16 BOXES of pizzas!
everybody eat eat ... play play..
then we promise my ping en jie(: go watch herbasketball match
in the end we end in the cabin
sorry ping en jie jie ):
we went to the basketball court first then saw my precious yuenyuern(:
I LOVE YOU okkayy..
she came down and bad bad ): andre go trip her
while andre is accidently too
we dont blame you (:
my yuen yern fell...
its so poor thing..
her leg the whole patch of skin peel off and was bleeding so badly
see until my heart crack okkay..
poor yuen yern.. she cry until i also wanna cry already..
hope u willbe fine (:
then we went cabin
i was damn embarrsed.. dont laugh okkay
i open the cabin's door, then u went in shouting WHEE~ then i feel so hard
until my butt still so pain..ARGH!
but i'm strong okkaayy..
haha.. i never cry but ended up laughing like mad ..
jen, edwin, wesheng, brenden,yuanlong,wilson & meixin
all down there laughing
bad brenden & wilson they go copy me fall down
its copy righted by me okkay!
then the brenden and yuanlong down there DAMN SICK
its really very sick okay
we have a great day today
haha.... sapphire came in last
nevermind its alright.
cabin was alot much fun!
very funny lor!
haha.. damn sick
all these classmates of mine so funny!
i really have a great day lars =D

*ohya, mr chan, my mentor, gave my class a big packet of HELLO PANDA
share it with claamates..
i love giving them hello panda or pockky
dont laugh.. its my favourite!

stop here..

ebjoyable fun day!


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