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lalalas. hello people! [:
i've got band today!
&its foor drill today!
tadaa.tadaa! i loveee foot drill! (:
its super fun fun fun!:D
foot drills are loved(:

i just changed blogskin!
hahas. i was looking for HK TVB dramas the blogskins
but couldnt find those with my fav hongkong actress on it.
hmmm.i am currently watching lots of hongkong shows on
its completely free to watch there la.
but not all hongkong shows are there.
but there's quite alot of hongkong shows.!
its nice.

&&&~ JUST LOVE 老婆大人.
will be airing on november 15 on channel 8, 7pm!
there's jessica hester hsuan!
she's a magrisrate (sp). the highest ranking in court!
she's good in that show!
i hate that woman known as "yoyo leung" in that show la.
her role damn CHEAP.
make me wanna slap her man.lols.
Jessica hester hsuan english damn pro la.
american english sia.
i cant wait for the show!
actually this show was released in the year of 2005.
i watched already.
TWICE somemore! :D
hahas. i reallly loveee the show la!

i am currently also watching: home with love
2.heart of greed
3.yummy yummy-food for life
4.maidens' vow in pain
6.Dicey buiness guarantee
8.armed reaction IV
9.wars of in-laws
10.when rukes turns loose
11.A chinese ghost story
12.CIB files
13.Just love @ femme desperado man
16.revolving doors of vengence
17.under the canopy of love
18.woman on the run
19.wars of gender
20.central affairs
21.into thin air
22.golden faith
23.fantasy hotel
24.trimming success
25.face to fate
26.theh acadamy bender
28.a step into pass
29.cold blood warm heart
30.heavenly in laws
31.the bitter beaten bet
33.strike at heart of deceit
35.summer heat
36.street fighters
37.the cchange of destiny
38.the family link
39.the W files
40.split seconds
41.on the first beat
42.the green grass of hope art
44.the drive of life (i watched on DVD)
45.fathers and sons :D (i watched on DVD)
46.steps (watched on DVD) grow with love (watched on DVD)
48.Forensic heroes (watched DVD)
49. angels of missons 3D (watched on DVD)
50.ICAC investigators 2007 (watched on DVD)
51.triumph in the skies (watched on DVD) made simple (watched on DVD)

wa.. hahas. all saved in my favourites le!
my HK actress rox!

and i just fnished the whole episode of dear dear son-in law!
it was okok la.
the ending i have already guess it.

oh & JESSICA HESTER HSUAN is in singapore now!
oh gosh!
i hope we are fated to meet!
awwww. i wished to see her la!
she came to shoot PARENTAL GUIDANCE II!
i've been looking forward to it la!
oh yea~ jessica hester hsuan rox! [:

ok.i've talk to much!

huxicun & anxiaoqian!




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