hello dearies! =D
long time didnt really post.
hmmm. picture featuring the show
Lethal Weapons Of Love And Passion;
i have finished watching the 40 episodes of it and brother fung(raymond lam) & mong yiu (charmaine sheh) was a greatttt couple! :D
yippie yippes yaya! woottt.
yippie yippes yaya! woottt.
they story line was great.
war happen & twist and turns at the near end.(:
you all should watched it.
its nice.
rating= 9.5/10 (=
they have great chemistry together la!
yay!hahas. i just love them together.
& i've sign the charray peition and i think u all should too!
hahas. they make a perfect match.
too bad raymond is younger than charmaine.
i'm now at Yummy Yummy-Food For Life
i know we've watched that.
i'm re-watching it because of mandy! (charmaine sheh)
LOLs. she's so pretty!
& again another charray pairing!
raymond and charmaine was being interviewed and raymond say that next time if they partner together again,hope that it could be charmaine is the one who chase him.
HAHA! cos in all their partners show, raymond was the one chasing charmaine.
& i think the couples in Drive Of Life is the best,
as their eyes could really speak to each other.
i just loved them together la! :D
charray super duper cutee!
aren't they sweeeet?
LOLs. they look perfect together.
on 6th dec 2007,
i attended sister jessicahsuan's gathering and she was gorgeuoes too!
she sign my i-weeklyand indicate my name!
hahas. took pics with her!
hahas. took pics with her!
i was so excited to see her la!
her english was so strong!:D
she's so cute too.
she sang "we wish u a merry christmas" with fans.
ahahahas! and she did funny cute pose.!
she's so adorable!
further gathering details of sister jessicahsuan will be posted tmr!
thats tons of them to say.
pictures will be uploaded tmr too!
sister jessicahsuan says that she will be filming Just Love 2!
i'm anticipating to watched it!
i'm anticipating to watched Forensic Heroes 2 too!
charmaine sheh was busy filming this show,
weather was cold and she still look pale.
she has gastric but she still continues to film.
she's a wow wow actress la.
sister jessicahsuan too:)
alright. gtg.
meanwhile, enjoy this MTV by linda chung.
she sings well.!:)