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hello dearies!=D
happy to inform that Charmaine Sheh & Raymond Lam won
The Most Favourite Hong Kong TV actress and actor award at QQ ent award ceremony yesterday! 17 dec.
that was certainly a WOW WOW great news for charray fans! (including me).
congrats charmaine & ray! :D
& credits to sehseh for the information.

while holidays are going to end soon!
and my upcoming schedule will be super busy la.!
i am going to be soo busy that i think i wont be free to go out except for christmas and my elder sister's coming bday event.

Joyce's Schedule:
19dec- have to ask someone to print the eng holiday assignment for me! [help!]
20dec- out wif jeremy to get christmas prezzie for everyone! [BROKE!]
22dec- buying of textbks! [aw.finally! my mum likes to do things slowly. tsk!]
24dec-finished up all the holidays assignments.
25dec- christmas! HORRAY! last day of relaxtion!
26dec- vocab/grammar/E-maths studies. ! [up to 8 hours. gosh!]
27dec- POA/F&N understanding of topics and revision.
28dec- History topic revision, have to prepare a ultimate notebk for this.
29dec- studying combine sciences,also have to prepare a super duper notebk for this.
30dec- chinese/Social studies revision!
31dec- prepare for the year 2008. pack up for school coming soon.

this is what i meant by busy schedule that is coming up.
i have to start early cos i'm slow in studying.
yea.i got to admit,i'm stupid. :s

currently, what i am going to do now is to watched HK shows.!
i have no chance to watched after this year, as what mr koh had say,
our O's monster starts from sec 3, which is my fav year,2008.
i dono why i like the year 2008. i just love the numbers.

& i just spend a few days browsing charmaine sheh's 3 years of news.
and i have super loads photos of her that my com almost hang cos of charmaine's pictures.
hahas.but its worth it, she's so beautiful la! :D
hahas. after browsing thru charmaine's old news, i'm going for sister jessica's next.
muhahahas. i sound like an old "lao ti ko".

oh! some may know that i just sms you all that
* if u are going overseas, please please bring back some postcards for me
let me see the view of ur destination too!
wouldn't it be good if u all could take postcards of the inside of the aeroplane?
since i always wanted to seat aeroplane but cant afford too. :x
thanks to bk, my never-grown-up brother -.-
he gave me postcards on london and rome!
the view is fantistic!
its super FANTISTIC laaa! :D
thank you so muchh!

meanwhile, i found this clip of chilam & charmaine advertising for a wedding shop.
both of them are gorgeous! :D
[the clip is rather old. i just browse thru charmaine's old news. i think i found this on sehseh's blog on sept 2007.]
credits to sehseh too.

awww.sista jessica is going back to hongkong today,18 dec ! so fast she's leaving singapore! ):
i'm going to be soo miss her.
she will be leaving at evening at around 1830.
aww. she's leaving.!): i dun think i can make it to the airport, have a safety trip, sister jessica! dun forget me! hahas,:D


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