Hello dearies! =D
welcome back to joyce's entertainment updates!
hahahas! my blog visitor comes from 18 countries la!
hahhaas! :D u wanna know which country ? scroll down to my "past layouts" that parts and see:D
I'm at ah-shi's house right now.
yes. scans those pictures from sehseh and maggie.
my com cant send thru hotmails.
it keep lagging me la.:D
so finally send the photos to sehseh and maggie. :D
i got my physics test today!
YES YES! i think i can make it lor!
i love love love physics lor! :D
hehehehs. Mr Ou is a damn good teacher la!
his teachings really damn shiok! :D hahas.
& selinakang u better pray hard that u dont have examinations on Mar 10-14 2008 lor! :D
so u better pray pray pray hard hor! :p
i have to asked kimkim's relative to take leave to fetch us too! hahas.
hopefully the air tickets are not so expensive lor!
Cathaypacific! :D hehehes.
anyway its not comfirm anyway.
but 70% can goo! :)
so hopefully u better got no test ah.
i wanna go HK's Tseung Kwan O to visit the tvb office there.
bringing some gifts for 偶像sheh:D
and probably auntie tina too! :D
Auntie Tina i called her, manners first! :D hahas! :D
yes.anybody who is older than me, i often add auntie, jiejie, or wadever behind it. cos mama teach me to do so! must got manners! hehehs. :D
YEA! i'm damn happy for my physics!
hopefully i scored well! :D
oh and shimin & i becomes paraparazzi today la!
hahas. we caught 1 couple today! hahahas!
u all look who's that and tag me on my tagboard la! xD

there's still videos of it coming up.
i'll post up when i reached home! :D
BYE for noww! :D
welcome back to joyce's entertainment updates!
hahahas! my blog visitor comes from 18 countries la!
hahhaas! :D u wanna know which country ? scroll down to my "past layouts" that parts and see:D
I'm at ah-shi's house right now.
yes. scans those pictures from sehseh and maggie.
my com cant send thru hotmails.
it keep lagging me la.:D
so finally send the photos to sehseh and maggie. :D
i got my physics test today!
YES YES! i think i can make it lor!
i love love love physics lor! :D
hehehehs. Mr Ou is a damn good teacher la!
his teachings really damn shiok! :D hahas.
& selinakang u better pray hard that u dont have examinations on Mar 10-14 2008 lor! :D
so u better pray pray pray hard hor! :p
i have to asked kimkim's relative to take leave to fetch us too! hahas.
hopefully the air tickets are not so expensive lor!
Cathaypacific! :D hehehes.
anyway its not comfirm anyway.
but 70% can goo! :)
so hopefully u better got no test ah.
i wanna go HK's Tseung Kwan O to visit the tvb office there.
bringing some gifts for 偶像sheh:D
and probably auntie tina too! :D
Auntie Tina i called her, manners first! :D hahas! :D
yes.anybody who is older than me, i often add auntie, jiejie, or wadever behind it. cos mama teach me to do so! must got manners! hehehs. :D
YEA! i'm damn happy for my physics!
hopefully i scored well! :D
oh and shimin & i becomes paraparazzi today la!
hahas. we caught 1 couple today! hahahas!
u all look who's that and tag me on my tagboard la! xD
there's still videos of it coming up.
i'll post up when i reached home! :D
BYE for noww! :D