hello peoplee! :)
Yeps. i guess all of u know the results of Astro Award.
its quite disappointing la huh.
偶像sheh did not win the best actress thingy lor.
it goes to gigi instead. )):
but 偶像sheh was catogorised with Most Favourite Character number 1! :)
& although lam fung also didnt received any awards,
be he was catogorised with Most Favourite Character number 1 for guy too!:)
i belive 偶像sheh would grab back that award again next year lor.
still have Maiden's Vows & The Drive Of life! :D
i'm sure she can do it de!
All the way 偶像sheh!
i guessed i have to give up my hope that the letter is reaching sehseh's house thingy.
i dun think can make it on time lor.
so forget it bahs.
abit disappointing of course.
it didnt reaches sehseh's house on time.
i guessed i have to called sehseh to mail me back already.
anyway, thanks for it.
if 偶像sheh is going to malaysia again,then i'll speed post to you. :D
hehes. haix.
today is going to be a boring day lor.
just staying at home and studying my physics the whole day lor.
i cant do my F&N.
my thumbdrive is with shimin la.
alamak lehs.
Watching DOL! :D hehes.
re-watching leh.
okay, i gtg go email the videos & pictures to fran then logged off to study ler.
oh, i viewsed ah-sheh.com
and found that 偶像sheh had a super duper cute hair to astro awards yesterday la!
Maggi keep focusing on 偶像sheh's hair lor.
she's so funny laa.
hahahas! 偶像sheh's hair is seriously damn funny.
but it looks cute on her! hahas.
show you all some here.
credits to http://www.ah-sheh.com/

hahas. enjoy!
Yeps. i guess all of u know the results of Astro Award.
its quite disappointing la huh.
偶像sheh did not win the best actress thingy lor.
it goes to gigi instead. )):
but 偶像sheh was catogorised with Most Favourite Character number 1! :)
& although lam fung also didnt received any awards,
be he was catogorised with Most Favourite Character number 1 for guy too!:)
i belive 偶像sheh would grab back that award again next year lor.
still have Maiden's Vows & The Drive Of life! :D
i'm sure she can do it de!
All the way 偶像sheh!
i guessed i have to give up my hope that the letter is reaching sehseh's house thingy.
i dun think can make it on time lor.
so forget it bahs.
abit disappointing of course.
it didnt reaches sehseh's house on time.
i guessed i have to called sehseh to mail me back already.
anyway, thanks for it.
if 偶像sheh is going to malaysia again,then i'll speed post to you. :D
hehes. haix.
today is going to be a boring day lor.
just staying at home and studying my physics the whole day lor.
i cant do my F&N.
my thumbdrive is with shimin la.
alamak lehs.
Watching DOL! :D hehes.
re-watching leh.
okay, i gtg go email the videos & pictures to fran then logged off to study ler.
oh, i viewsed ah-sheh.com
and found that 偶像sheh had a super duper cute hair to astro awards yesterday la!
Maggi keep focusing on 偶像sheh's hair lor.
she's so funny laa.
hahahas! 偶像sheh's hair is seriously damn funny.
but it looks cute on her! hahas.
show you all some here.
credits to http://www.ah-sheh.com/

hahas. enjoy!