hello! update news of char.!
news credited to Ivy @ http://ivycreations.blogspot.com/.
Ah-sheh passes the winter with warm packs.
[Eastern New Territories Issue 526]
Recently the weather was very unpredictable. Winter has passed halfway but the weather only started to cool yesterday with temperatures less than 10 degrees. For an artiste who works day and night, this change of weather is very tough for them.
Last week reporters spotted Charmaine Sheh at Tong Lo Wan. Is it because Charmaine was rushing to film for Forensic Heroes 2 therefore she was lack of sleep, Charmaine was spotted regularly rubbing her back and cha yao(when you put both hands beside your waist) only in that 10 minutes journey. Seeing her like that, the reporter also sympathizes her.
When she reaches Citysuper, Charmaine did not slowly shop around, instead she just grabbed 3 packets of warm packs. Each packet contains 5 pieces of warm packs. So in total she bought 15 pieces of warm packs which is enough for her to pass this winter.
picture(left) : Charmaine often needs to film outdoors. At times she also needs to dress sexily to attend functions. How could she stand the winter if she does not have one or half a dozen warm packs in hand?
picture(right) : As TVB's number one fadan, Charmaine needs to work throughout Christmas and New Year. So, she plans to buy a 5-figure branded watch to reward herself. But seeing her lacking energy even to walk, reporter suggests her better to use that 5-figure sum to buy branded herbs for herself.
Joyce: OMG! charcahr! please do take care of yourself. i'm so heart pain for her laaa.
take care of youreslf char!
Tags reply are up! :) do read them in my tagboard!
*update news on char's January schedule*
heard from sehseh that char wont be having fans gethering with us. ): I wanna pass her something & get her to sign sign my thingy laa! ):
just hope that there will be another miracle up saying there will be fans gathering with us singapore fans la.
but being able to see her live should be happy too. but but just hope she'll have fans gathering.
10 jan 2008; thursday; rainy day.
school was quite usual today.
nothing special.
i LOVE grp works!
hehehes. our eng period grp work was super hilarious as luther & jeremy describes a
imaginative girl!
they damn bad describe till sai la.
went home after school(:
guai lehs. lols.
okay. BYES!