Hihi dearies! =)
updating my blog after 3 days!
LOLS. been lazy to do it.
school was fine,
just had 2 tests today.
English & F&N.
F&N was alrightt. (:
but but but the english was a damn hard paper lor.
i don't even know how to answer la.
It's very very hard,
i ont even know whether can pass the paper a not lor.
seems like i have to really buck up on newspaper reading, BBC news and extreme practice of english grammar and vocab lor.
I have to do my F&N courswork.
have to buck up on that also.
Cos i score pretty low for the Task Analaysis.
Happy Birthday to Jesseca liu from mediacorp !~ xD
just heard from yuzhen that its jesseca's bday tmr!
lols. yuzhen is a crazy fan of her.
ooooh. have u all seen ah-sheh jiejie's vancouver auto-graph pictures?
she's damn prettay lor.
Pictures :
credits to ah-sheh.com

isnt she just gorgeous?
prettay prettay ah-sheh jiejie!
okay, i gtg go study! :D
BYES Dearies! =)
updating my blog after 3 days!
LOLS. been lazy to do it.
school was fine,
just had 2 tests today.
English & F&N.
F&N was alrightt. (:
but but but the english was a damn hard paper lor.
i don't even know how to answer la.
It's very very hard,
i ont even know whether can pass the paper a not lor.
seems like i have to really buck up on newspaper reading, BBC news and extreme practice of english grammar and vocab lor.
I have to do my F&N courswork.
have to buck up on that also.
Cos i score pretty low for the Task Analaysis.
Happy Birthday to Jesseca liu from mediacorp !~ xD
just heard from yuzhen that its jesseca's bday tmr!
lols. yuzhen is a crazy fan of her.
ooooh. have u all seen ah-sheh jiejie's vancouver auto-graph pictures?
she's damn prettay lor.
Pictures :
credits to ah-sheh.com

isnt she just gorgeous?
prettay prettay ah-sheh jiejie!
okay, i gtg go study! :D
BYES Dearies! =)