hihi dearies=)
i'm back here blogging at such a late hour cos i just woke up from nap
i belive all of you all had seen fei jie's (lydia sum) news, yea?
it is certainly a very touching scene.
i kept crying & crying non-stop.
tissues cant cover all my tears.
Joyce Cheng who is lydia's only beloved daughter really handles fei jie's funeral very well.
on her 20th feb press confrence, she said a sentence which really makes me cry & learn to treasure and love my mum even more.
let me show you guys thevideo.
be prepare to have tissues by your side.
& this is a song video sang by Joyce Cheng & Mr Lau Ka Cheung.
it's a Super TOUCHING song if you know the meaning of the lyrics.
Tears fuilled my eyes when she sang this and when i view ans listen to it.
it is really a touching scene.
Tears filled my eyes always.Everyone will miss fei jie.
she will be in millions of people's heart.
Be strong too Joyce!
we'll support you forever. [:
okay, back to my sheh jiejie's news la.
she had once updated her blog!
& this time you can see her that she specially brought Her BB to the studio to take pictures!
her blog is really cute the way she phrase the sentences! LOL.
show you all some photos of it!
Featuring BB & sheh jiejie! <3

More Pictures of BB and sheh jiejie.
credits to ah-sheh.com

HAHAS! notice the green bear?
the stomach written "May"
yes, it's sheh jiejie's Birthday month! LOL.
the pose of BB is really adorable! <3

isnt's BB that lovely?
The owner is also lovely too! LOL.
it's so nice for sheh jiejie to bring her BB to the studio for photo taking & specially post up in her blog to share with fans like us!
& i wonder have you all watched The Seventh day?
You can watched it at youtube.
currently have up to episode 10 if i'm not wrong.
Wa. it's even faster then my rental disc la. LOL!
& Jack which is niki's dog in the show is also a cute little one la!
it help's the owner to switch on/off lights, open tap water and all that la!
*smart one Jack!
i'm still awaiting for fh2 to be up!
cos my sheh jiejie is once again in it! LOL.
ooo. & i've grab the photos from lovely Jwen!
she's damn good in editing photos laaa. [:
PRO lady!
PICTURES on the 1st of march outing!

& this picture i grab it from ah-muan la!
she say she's pro in editing wor!
what you all say about her only edited picture here below?
LOL.! Voice out ur opinion!

nice leh?
we are all "leng lui lei ga"
no la. jk.
infact all were sweeties only la!
okays, that's lame!
i gtg go print my flowers pictures to complete my essay!
Bye dearies=)
at the same time, rmb to be the police's eyes of Mas Selemat yea?
super wanted man. tsktsk.
i'm back here blogging at such a late hour cos i just woke up from nap
i belive all of you all had seen fei jie's (lydia sum) news, yea?
it is certainly a very touching scene.
i kept crying & crying non-stop.
tissues cant cover all my tears.
Joyce Cheng who is lydia's only beloved daughter really handles fei jie's funeral very well.
on her 20th feb press confrence, she said a sentence which really makes me cry & learn to treasure and love my mum even more.
let me show you guys thevideo.
be prepare to have tissues by your side.
& this is a song video sang by Joyce Cheng & Mr Lau Ka Cheung.
it's a Super TOUCHING song if you know the meaning of the lyrics.
Tears fuilled my eyes when she sang this and when i view ans listen to it.
it is really a touching scene.
Tears filled my eyes always.Everyone will miss fei jie.
she will be in millions of people's heart.
Be strong too Joyce!
we'll support you forever. [:
okay, back to my sheh jiejie's news la.
she had once updated her blog!
& this time you can see her that she specially brought Her BB to the studio to take pictures!
her blog is really cute the way she phrase the sentences! LOL.
show you all some photos of it!
Featuring BB & sheh jiejie! <3

More Pictures of BB and sheh jiejie.
credits to ah-sheh.com

HAHAS! notice the green bear?
the stomach written "May"
yes, it's sheh jiejie's Birthday month! LOL.
the pose of BB is really adorable! <3

isnt's BB that lovely?
The owner is also lovely too! LOL.
it's so nice for sheh jiejie to bring her BB to the studio for photo taking & specially post up in her blog to share with fans like us!
& i wonder have you all watched The Seventh day?
You can watched it at youtube.
currently have up to episode 10 if i'm not wrong.
Wa. it's even faster then my rental disc la. LOL!
& Jack which is niki's dog in the show is also a cute little one la!
it help's the owner to switch on/off lights, open tap water and all that la!
*smart one Jack!
i'm still awaiting for fh2 to be up!
cos my sheh jiejie is once again in it! LOL.
ooo. & i've grab the photos from lovely Jwen!
she's damn good in editing photos laaa. [:
PRO lady!
PICTURES on the 1st of march outing!

& this picture i grab it from ah-muan la!
she say she's pro in editing wor!
what you all say about her only edited picture here below?
LOL.! Voice out ur opinion!

nice leh?
we are all "leng lui lei ga"
no la. jk.
infact all were sweeties only la!
okays, that's lame!
i gtg go print my flowers pictures to complete my essay!
Bye dearies=)
at the same time, rmb to be the police's eyes of Mas Selemat yea?
super wanted man. tsktsk.