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hihi dearies! ♥
today was a fine day for schooling.
lucky us that we belong to singapore.
a safe country with no natural disasters happening.

However, countries like Myanmar and China's Sichuan province people are not as lucky as us.
I'm sure that majority of us had heard the 7.9 earthquake in china's Sichuan and the cyclone in Myanmar yes?
Seems like mother nature is angry with us, so we have to learn to appreciate the natural nature.

when i bought the newspaper this morning,
and i saw the number of deaths, injured, trapped and missing people.
I felt a tremor in my heart. the numbers of people was really a large one!
DEAD: 14,866
INJURED: 64,746
TRAPPED: 25,788
MISSING: 1,405
[statics known as on 15th may]

look at the statics above.
it is really a sadden thing for china.
and one part of China that the earthquake attacked was a school.
when the students were studying.
and it happened!
it took away lots of lives.
young lives.

this news is really sad and i'm glad that all countries are helping china with this disasters!
Ms koh suggested that we play a part in helping the China's Sichuan province side people too.
and this made me agree much.
i here give my blessings to all victims in china and Myanmar.
Be strong!

Show Review on : The Master Of Taichi.

poster credited to ktvb.

i've finally finished watching The master of taichi after many many weeks and i can say i quite enjoy this show.
well, i read much negative comments on this show but i dont think it affected me. i think Taichi is quite a nice show as the storyline was smooth.
I really love Melissa and vincent together! both of them have great great chemistry and their love relationship is WOW. I just love them together! ♥
Melissa and vincent in Taichi finally are together after many obstacles and i was waiting for the final that they can be together living a simple and happy life.
at around episode 24, Vincent fought calmly with the "Hwa Meng insuitution" peeps and won always. so then i thought he would go back to the village and live a simple and happy life with melissa. But selena's death and her son drag Melissa and vincent away from each other. Melissa was suppose to go capital with Vincent but Selena passed away and left her son to Melissa to take care of and this stops melissa from going with Vincent. Although Vincent did come back and melissa was very happy to see Vincent back again. but melissa knew that Vincent do not really want to live in village but he wanted to go around the country to promote Taichi to everyone and so melissa asked him to go. but they both missed each other yet cant be with each other.

In the other hand, Raymond and Myolie's storyline was rather the twisting part of it.
At first i hated Myolie's role in the show as she's rather annoying. She wanted to have Vincent and she uses many ways to have Vincent. but what's not yours is not yours, cant be force. vincent dont love her at all but to bear responsibility to myolie, he have to be with myolie. but at last, Myolie finally gave up on Vincent and go with raymond. Myolie's character from then on is going to the good way. [: but raymond instead i hated his role in the further episodes. He was jealous of Myolie keep thinking of Vincent instead of putting him at the first position. Ray's character was really unreasonable and arrrogant then. but became his "good" man after myolie's speech.

there are many twist and turns in this dramas and typing cant really describe the show.
Well, catch it on your own! ♥

hehes. shall end here,

Got all my results back.
and most disappointing subjects are the 2 major papers.
Science and maths.
i am super disappointed in this 2 papers.
i cant score well it.
well, i just wanna mug hard during june holidays and buck up.
i dont wanna regret when i reached sec 4.


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