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Hiya dearies! :D
The time now is 6:20AM and i'm here early to blog.
i have to attend band later.
err, excuse me people, wad time band release huh?
LOL! i did not sleep the whole night, i'm scare that i'm late for band.
did not attend band today cos i have slight fever and headache.
probably due to the camp. too tiring.

OHYA! last saturday cousin, gajei and muimui and me together with mummy and her friends went karaoke!
Hahahas! sang sang sang and had alot of fun! ♥
hahas! and took pictures!

here! :D

we had lots of fun!
the uncles & aunties keep dancing and dancing!
it's super hilarious la!
i should have take video of them!
hahahas! right selina? LOL!

I went for camp from 26-28may!
the camp overall was alright la.
we thought it would be class bonding but in the end it's not.
they split us into level groups.
then i was counted pretty lucky cos i was in group 3!
with halim, Ryo,eunice and all.
the group with HaLam&ryo is enough for you to laugh whole 3 days la!
they were so FUNNY!
hahas! & should really thanks eunice for always there to accompany me!
thanks eunice! ♥

day 1 was tiring.
we had some cheers in school, splitting up groups and all that.
then went to Laborador park.
the doms were scary man.
i have to put another sleeping bag on the bed.
you never know how dirty it may be.
the toilets was worst.
Cockroaches that BIG were found in the boys' toilet.
alamak. then after that we had some sort of treasure hunting thingy.
it was SUPER tiring!
we took very long to find a place.
and the challenges in each location is hard.
but we managed to finished up all!
LOL! and so we ran all the way back.
it's like running more than 2.4km
and Ms chong can really run man!
she run so long not tired de still so fast la.
Marathon Runner! NOT BAD! :D LOL!
and then the night activity and all that.

second day was fun!
We had our high elements.!
LOL! it was scary when i walked that bridge so high without any railings to hold.
but i finished it!
Flying Fox was fun but the coming down from 3rd floor was damn scary!!
your heart can really fly out man!
while waiting, shafi my coach keep calling me ah-lian -.-
he say first time see me, so innocent and quiet second day become ah- lian! LOL!
shut up la! xD
and we did more activities and was the first group to finished all activities!
so my coach think of this lame idea of stealing other groups flag!
that was super fun la! ahhaahas!
you can never imagine how fun it was unless you are in my group.LOL!
then my fav! CAMPFIRE! :D
it was fun! and the i think our performance is the best man!
we are super enthu la! LOL!
dont pluck, dont pluck, dont pluck because can shave ! HAHAS!
and the fun we had during the campfire i will never forget!

third day got nothing special.
just area cleaning and all!
sebastian was super funny la! :]
hahhaas! and we back to school at eleven morning.
bused down to toa payoh with dawn!
had mac ! and after that went changi airport to shop!
LOL! Changi Airport also have GSS! LOL!
we were damn tired.
and then MRT home. :D
but we had fun!

Group photo! BEH HOR group Camp 2008!

okay, shall stop here!
Cya again! :]
I'm so satisfied with my newly made banner!
hehes! shall do more in future! :D
and FH2 is GREAT!


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