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Hello dearies! :D (updated! 7:36PM)
wow, until now then can reply tags cos my sissy dont wanna let me use the com.-.-
and this is my 200th post! :D

I'm writing reviews on Forensic Heroes 2! HEHES! i'm starting off with episode 1 first and getting screencaps from Kevin's blog cos he's is High Defination clips. Pictures images are super clear! :]

♥ Jessica : HELLO MY POA PRO! x] ahahas! well, i see de, if the cover page got ah-sheh, i'll buy it earlier. LOL! if it's not then i'll buy it later. hehes. awww! you throw away so many of it! i still keep it nicely in my drawer. LOL! cant bear to throw it away. LOL! hahas! i'm always seen in the airport cos i always go there and eat. LOL! nice view! and HAHAS! YOU HAVE THINGS TO PASS TO ME?! YEA YEA! :D LOL! HAHAS! thanks! Your Pictures are lovely too! :] LOVE!

♥ Pika : hahahs! YES YES! i finished it the day before yesterday! AND LINDA IS GREAT GREAT GREAT! :] hehes! LINDA is adorable =D

♥ RAY: Hello! LOL! you haven tell me who are you wor. :) I'm from Stamford Primary and currently at Balestier Hill Secondary! :D

♥ KUKU: HEY! i've think of more games and written down on paper le. 10th june pass to you yes . LOVE!

♥ Rachel : HHAS! yes? yea, i shall reply tags in my post in future. It's neater. LOL! and yes my gajei is really hilarious ga! she's super adorable! LOL!

♥ patpat gajei: AHAHAS! it's all typo error! :] LOL! sorry la. PARANG! OLYUMPIC! correct liao rite? LOL! :D LOVE LOVE LOVE! hahas! SURE AH! LATER LOST AGAIN! :P

♥ Liqing : HELLO LOVE! HAHAS! so many updates? means you seldom visit my blog HUH!?! LOL! JK! :D ahahas! thanks! :]

♥ Fiona : HAHAS! yes! the baked rice and cake is superb! (:

♥ Huimin : hahas! good good. better remember huh! LOL! ohya, can you give me your blog URL again? LOL! yea, there's manting that time. LOL!

♥ KUKU : hahas. shut up la. i will do it NICELY till the paper is PRICELESS alright? LOL!

Done with the reply of tags! :] hehes. PEOPLE CONTINUE TAGGING! especially my patpat gajei huh! :] LOL! Um goi sai! :D

I'm watching Witness to a prosecution 2 now! AH-SHEH IS SUPER ADORABLE LA! :]
it's a nice show between bobby and ah-sheh! LOL!
shall continue my show now.


Episode 1 started from a war game between the Forensic Department and the Crime Unit [Dr Koo (Lam,Frankie) ]was together with the Crime Unit. they presented in a serious way as though they are investigating a case like saying the weather forecast, the degree C. etc. LOL! The team who save the hostage first would win.
So Tim Sir (Bobby-Au Yueng) asked Gong Zai who is Madam Leung's (yoyo mung) brother to attack the Crime Unit theme first. It was rather hilarious when Gong Zai went over and thought he wouldn't die cause he believe his sister will not "kill" him but he was "killed" by her. LOL! and he say " wa, brother also kill? i die already." then Madam Leung went "thinking of using my brother to attack me? not so easy." then Gong Zai went "wa, then i'm not worth dying?" and Tim Sir went "Gong Zai, you are dead already.!" LOL! then he lay back to the floor. LOL!
And the war game continued, then Dr Koo was shooting and he shot towards Ding Ding's (Chung,Linda) finger. and Ding Ding went saying "ahya, you've hit until the finger, how to wear the wedding ring ah? who will marry you ah.?" Doctor Koo showed an anxious face and went over to Ding Ding's side and wanted to check out Ding Ding's finger. and while Dr koo was checking on Ding Ding's finger, she took out a hand gun and shot Dr koo! and she ended with a wicked laughter. LOL!. (i love this part! ) and Dr koo went saying "wa, husband-to-be also kill?" "Tricks can be used , that's wad Tim Sir said." answered Ding Ding. and the whole forensic team was hooray-ying for Ding Ding for her killing Doctor Koo.But Doctor Koo denied the fact that he had "died" in the scene and keep insisting on his theory basis. LOL! in the meantime, Tim Sir went to save the hostage when everyone's attention is on Ding Ding and doctor Koo! :]
Not long after, Tim Sir has succesfully save the hostage already. LOL! and he shouted Game over le! and Madam Leung went "who says so?" "just now when Dr koo went to flirt girls that time, i had already successfully saved the hostage. " Tim Sir replied.
and so , The winner goes to Forensic Team. then they had case going on and that's when (my idol) Madam Ma (Sheh, Charmaine) appear on screen with a cool look and a beautiful dress. she was suppose to be the bridesmaid for her friend, but due to the case had some conflict with her department that she incharge- NB she have to cancel the trip of being her friend's bridesmaid. she was super cool....(:

the rest of the show, watch it yourself. [;

My Reflection of the whole episode 1 : hmmm, i kinda love the opening scene, it's rather serious then later becoming the hilarious part. hahas! especially Ding Ding and Doctor Koo. and Madam Ma is super cool, i just love her attitude in this show but actually she's a nice person. :D
she's always nice. LOL! and there's a case that happened to happen at the scene and this tell me a thing. they carry their cases around wherever they go. LOL! once they have to use it they have it right away. and the whole concept of it is very nice, tvb uses the scene with a raining weather and even uses firemen to open tents and all that.
It seems that tvb spend alot on this production.

WOW. tired. LOL!
BYE! ♥


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