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Hihi dearies! :]
back here blogging again!

we had out school splendours 2008 yesterday.
and i'm from the band thus sharing a part in performing too!
i finally know how to do balanced equation for chemistry already lor!
when teacher first time saying i cant even understand a single thing man,
then i do slowly slowly and concentrate on what Mr iskander is saying and in the end i know liao lor!
I can feel there's sense of accomplishment la!hahas!
i got to go revise my chem again if not i will forget man.
i seem to love chem more than physics now. LOL! :]

Ohya! The band performance was great okay!
hahahs! we played pretty well. xD
and NBC is coming and i hope that we can get a gold laaa [;
we took plenty of photos but i'm lazy to upload them.
shall upload in future when i;m not lazy la . x]

Sia la, Astro On demand aired Forensic Heroes 2 the last episode!
wonder how was it? but i know it will be charvin la! LOL!
cos ah-sam got new love-Sharon Chan. LOL!.
and hongkong is airing it's last episode today.
plus NG clips and all!
i wonder if rental disc did include those scenes.
wel, i hope there is. LOL!.


♥ Pika : AHAHAHS! YES YES! and i only watched part 3 for that. dont wanna spoilt too much. and CHARVIN came out with their sweet moments at that part! i'm soo soo fated to charvin! xD HAHAHS! THEY ARE SIMPLY TOO SWEET FOR WORDS TO DESCRIBE! hahas! there's some pictures where bobby and kevin seated side by side each other. ! Charm is gorgeous!

♥ Sunny : LOL! no la. i'm only ion episode 24 on rental disc. i just saw that episode randomly. so just click on part 3 only. LOL! then saw their sweet moments! :] hahas! yes, perharps we really do have different opinions. i prefer FH2 as the storyline is more smoothing. :)

♥ Pamela : LOL! good good then. i'm still on waiting for rental disc.! LOL! I KNOW THEY ARE SWEET! and i definately say that Charm is always so pretty! :) HAHAS! YES! BELL&IVAN! :] you are so fast la! online videos really fast sia. LOL! i HOPE THAT THERE IS FH3 TOO LOR! it was super nice laaa![:

♥ Rachel :hahahas! YES! madam ma is pretty, ivan is so hot! :] hahahs! love CHARVIN!

♥ hsiehhui : YO partner!HAHAS! but you finished the whole series already rite? i haven lor! LOL! So tempting la! x] THEY ARE SUPER SUPER SWEET LA! HAHAS! realyl? OPPS! next time i will spell in correctly.! LOL! sorry for that!

Carmen : hahahahs! no need jealous! LOL! YES YES! Charvin is such a Cute and SWEET couple! :] MUST defined the SWEET by making it in capital la! LOL!

♥ Jessica LOVE : HAHAHAHS! xD i think i'm like just infront of you that time? LOL! ahahahs! yea! deadline reaching very soon! YOUR FAV TOPIC?! SO MESSY for me! LOL! later add in P&L then later got effect on the balance sheet. then sometimes have to minus. wa. headache la.! LOL! What cant fit POA sifu! You are SUPER PRO in POA la! you do POA as though it's super easy! LOL! i cant man! i'll go bonkus! LOL! HAHAS! yes, awaiting to see you real soon too! :) take care too LOVE! and YES YES CHARVIN! <3

♥ kuku : HAHAHS! YES! wilfred say that Triangle and marigold is damn funny PLEASE! LOL! KBOXXX KUKU! :

♥ Shuyi : HAHAS! so i bet you'll love speech of silence la? LOL! sharon is quite pretty and she's super tall la! LOL!



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