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Hello All! :]
not been blogging for a few days, cos sissy dont allow me to use the com.
that's how having a sister is bad! LOL!

School was as usual today.
and i'm improving on maths! ahahhas!
i've been so serious on class for the first time in my life la.
LOL! this semester! :]
beautiful grades shall wait for me xD

Ms koh cried today! :(
she cried for more than 30mins you know.
that's like sooo long.
because of "Triangle" la.
feel like plucking his hair out la.
He should answer her questions politely la.
he answer like wanna fight like that.
all teachers of course will get angry la.

went out with kuku yesterday to toa payoh.
was suppose to go kbos but was cancelled last minute la.
LOL! so go there get my TVBweekly 574 and went to study at library.
we finihsed our homework quite fast. :]
and went back. :]

I'm watching Sayang Sayang now!
LOL! super funny!
and learn from sehseh that FH2 DVD is out!
i cant wait to get them la!
but patpat gajei only comes in Dec lor.
alamaK! :p
and i finished FH2! OMG!
it's satisfying laa!
but i;m hoping for FH3! :D

Pictures for splendours 2008 is up!

i'm capturing charvin moments screencaps from Fh2!

it's From Episode 29! :D
with the courtesy of charlie :D
arent they cute?
Kevin's script is always sooo romantic!
that makes Charmaine the luckiest lady on life! :]

♥ MaxVampire : hahahs! no laaa. [: i start together. i remember clearly! :D

♥ Rachel : REALLY?! YEA! i know it's OUT ALREADY AND I'M DEFINATELY ASKING DA GAJEI TO GET IT FOR ME! but she's coming on DEC only. so must wait. LOL! i feel like asking to mail it to me cos i want it badly ): LOL! EPISODE 30- CHARM's 10 seconds facial expression is MARVELOUS! i thought KEVIN DIED YOU KNOW! but but he didnt! great job charm! :D i've finished already, which part you get puzzled at? hahas! really? thanks! i just translate it from canto to english. hahhas! :] HAHAS! I WANT THE DVD RACHEL! hahas! ooo. i know which part already! i've captured the screencaps. shall post it up in the next post! :] yes! i'm proud of charm too! her 10 seconds facial expressions were brillant! I WANT THE DVD RACHEL! LOL!

♥ hsiehhui : ahhash! YES YES! i translated it in english :) hahahas! yea, since i cant find it so i just go to each of your post then anyhow click and click then i click dao le! LOL! it's pretty! HAHAS! thanks! nites to you to partner! so long nva see you le! must come my blog more ah! LOL! xD MISS you partner <333

♥ Me : hammm, not very sure leh. got no idea. sorry. i only know charmaine and kevin's space de. but he's not uploading it anymore leh.

♥ Pamela : hahahas!yeps :] i translated into english :) charvin is always so sweet :D hope they are planning for FH3 lor. i really love to see more charvin-ness :D POA is alright in the beginning but not in the end. LOL! it's kinda confusing. it's accounts dear :) really? they coming to SG meh? no la. Malaysia la, this weekend :)

♥ Janice.cookie : hello dear! hahas! thanks love!

♥ Hugo : heyy! thanks! hahahas! yea :) sure! i'll link you up soon! :]

♥ Princess101 (joey) : hahahs! YES! i'm obsessed with charvin as well as charray :) i'm fine! i'm not on holiday thou. LOL! school day. LOL! hahs! ok. i'll change to Joey's Blog later :)

♥ carmen : Hello mui! :) hahs! yea, i find it too :) yeps. finished already! it was GREAT!

♥ kuku : hahas! how i know. band is compulsory ma. Next week got national band competition leh. must practice ma (:

ending here with a picture of ME! xD
CR current picture :D
jancie.cookie love it alot! xD


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