Helloha dearies!
've not been blogging regularly cos partly i'm busy with test and secondly i'm lazy.
yes that's the main point - LAZY;
there's career workshop today.
and i thot it's kinda boring.
but well it turns out alright la.
you get to know your own personality and predict what jobs is suitable for you.
after the personality thingy, i belong to the group - artistic.
Jobs suitable are Actor, Advertising Executive, Tv host, etc.
And my second one belongs to the the group - Social.
Jobs suitable are Flight attendant, Nurse, Social worker, etc.
And my desire dream was to be a flight attendant.
but well it didnt gives me the highest score.
i got my chemistry test back!
and woot i pass!
it's all about moles!
and i thot i will fail. BUT NO!
i improve it too! HAHAS!
17 out of 25.
highest - 20.5 goes to cherilynn.
she's so power man! LOL!
thanks to Mr iskander my chem teacher and of course Ms pay! :]
she gave me tips and all. [: hehes.
i'm having physics test tmr.
and history one next tuesday.
i hope i'll do well for physics la.
i'm always no good in that. LOL
well, i love history!
so i'll like study till mad for it.
cannot let it affect my social studies grades!
cos it's a combine humanities.
ohyea, here are some photos taken some time ago,
but i have no time to post it.
it includes pics take with love before she leave for hk,
she's coming back tmr. (:
and the BBQ night to movie :D

i miss my charm!
argh! there's no new series on her.
turbulence not aired yet. argh!
Missing her soooo much larh! ):
there's no one better then charm
she's always my number one! :D

okay, got to go study for physics now!
nights and bye! :]
've not been blogging regularly cos partly i'm busy with test and secondly i'm lazy.
yes that's the main point - LAZY;
there's career workshop today.
and i thot it's kinda boring.
but well it turns out alright la.
you get to know your own personality and predict what jobs is suitable for you.
after the personality thingy, i belong to the group - artistic.
Jobs suitable are Actor, Advertising Executive, Tv host, etc.
And my second one belongs to the the group - Social.
Jobs suitable are Flight attendant, Nurse, Social worker, etc.
And my desire dream was to be a flight attendant.
but well it didnt gives me the highest score.
i got my chemistry test back!
and woot i pass!
it's all about moles!
and i thot i will fail. BUT NO!
i improve it too! HAHAS!
17 out of 25.
highest - 20.5 goes to cherilynn.
she's so power man! LOL!
thanks to Mr iskander my chem teacher and of course Ms pay! :]
she gave me tips and all. [: hehes.
i'm having physics test tmr.
and history one next tuesday.
i hope i'll do well for physics la.
i'm always no good in that. LOL
well, i love history!
so i'll like study till mad for it.
cannot let it affect my social studies grades!
cos it's a combine humanities.
ohyea, here are some photos taken some time ago,
but i have no time to post it.
it includes pics take with love before she leave for hk,
she's coming back tmr. (:
and the BBQ night to movie :D

i miss my charm!
argh! there's no new series on her.
turbulence not aired yet. argh!
Missing her soooo much larh! ):
there's no one better then charm
she's always my number one! :D

♥ V : hahahs! yes yes i know. i keep telling you the yellow vintage shirt i love it but you dono which one leh! LOL! i'll support your blog. no worries :D
Siokkan gajei : hahas! yeps! my band joined NBC too! :] hehes! thanks! how about your band?
♥ Jason Yuen : hello dear! my school? Balestier Hill Secondary! [;
♥ Tricia : sure. i'll send the ripped one to you asap (: thanks for supporting my blog! :]
♥ Carmen: lol. alright la. where got alot? i feel it's super less lor. HAHAS! i want more to come! :D hmmm, you can if you want ;D
♥ Miss.Lam : hahahs! YES! high 5! :D i love leila's song alot! :D so cute! :D
♥ Hugo : no problem :D LOL! first time? nervous? HEHE! good luck yes! :D hahahs! oooo, that's great! sure you'll meet alot of new people there :D
♥ Fiona : awww. i WILL NEVER do down for hongkong stuff! LOL! i love hongkong's everything :D LOL! you COME BACK FOR HONGKONG STUFF HUH!
♥ Kuku mei : HAHASH! SO FUNNY~ LOL! i dont need to threaten one lor. the fnn teacher love me too much that's why! HAHAS! :p
♥ Mandy : i'll link you up soon! :D and thanks!
♥ Pamela : hahas! okies. i'll link you now. [:
♥ Shuyi : ahahahs! hope so! :] YES YES! Koni is sexy la! LOL! LINDA LINDA LINDA :D HAHAS! i love her song lor! :D niceeee :]
♥ Selina : LOL la! okok! :D
♥ Joey : HAHAHAS! yes yes! ask him to come speak to me! LOL! yeps, i know. oh okay! sure :D
okay, got to go study for physics now!
nights and bye! :]