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HEYA dearies!
janice.cookie has left for hongkong already.
lucky her. [:
have a great fun there sweetiee!

i'm watching Life begins at fourty on TVBjade now!
CHARM! :D i get to see CHARM agaiN!
hahahhs! i'm finding Carry Me series!
Jessie got it! lucky her.
i have to buy it from yesasia i guessed.

And i was just now.
and of course to update myself with TVB news.LOL
I just knew that Patrick And Selena Li is officially dating!
LOL! congrats and i'll wish them all the best!

and one news i find it really stupid la.
TVB shows got complaint 4 times!
it's like wth?
Hongkong people really likes complaining over small matters?
the article is really ridiculous la.
, and was being complaint by people. -.-
the reasons were really ahem.

TVB's programmes received complaints again, 4 this time

Complaints! Complaints Again!! And more complaints!!!! Recently the details of the few shows broadcasted by TVB were unsatisfactory and had caused the audiences to complain. Some went to complain to the broadcast authorities, some directly went to complain to TVB and some went to complain to the news media.
The programmes that received complaints are as follows - (Eurocup 2008) Drama (Speech of Silence) Drama (Love Exchange) and Documentary (On The Road III - The last feet binding village).

On The Road III - The Last Feet Binding Village.

Disgusting and Painful scenes

First Complaint : On The Road III - The Last Feet Binding Village , the Hong Kong Broadcast Authority had received 2 complaints saying that the show had disturbing scenes -" The scene when the old lady that had binded feet removed her shoes and showed her bound feet."

TVB explained : Wants Audiences to feel the pain of feet binding.

The producer of the show responded to the complaints and asked the audiences to see the show in a positive perspective.
"This is a record of the old tradition of China, the binded feet that appeared on screen is a reality. It is understood that people might not feel good after watching it but the reason we shot this scene is because we wanted the audiences to feel the brutality of foot binding."
The producer also expressed that the recording is rare because the old women that had bound feet will eventually die off and disappear soon. The producer also stated that before the show is broadcasted, a warning saying that the show has some disturbing scenes is shown and the audiences have every right not to see the show. She hopes that the audiences will be more open minded and positive in this matter.

Speech Of Silence

Producer and actors are too fake

Second Complaint : The Show, Speech Of Slience is about the sound disabled people. There was a complaint by the audience saying that the actors and actress look more like people with mental problems. The sign language is inaccurate and the show had made some people feel that it does not have any respect for the deaf. Many people had boycotted the show and had almost caused a protest.

Producer : I have done all information research and was prepared

The producer of this show responded to the complaints. He stated that he filmed this drama because he wanted to promote to the public about the lives of disabled people. The importance of communicating and the patience of listening. He hopes the audience that had made the complaints will be patient and watch the whole series, instead of just seeing a few episodes and making a complaint.

Because the show is about the disabled people, the producer discloses before they shot this series he had made alot of information research regarding this show. He had met with the disabled society and organizations. He had also arranged Kate Tsui to meet with the real disabled people.
Regarding the complaint that the actors look stupid, the producer disagrees with the complaint. He says the actors that played the mute and deaf in the series are students of the sign language school, they are experienced about the sign language. The big actions they had made when communicating the sign language is normal and they are not insulting the disabled.

Kate Tsui stated that when she is doing sign language in the show, there is a professional instructor to teach her.
"Every actors in the shows had put in alot of effort to make this show. I would like to thank the opinions of the audiences. I hope that people can understand more about the disabled people through this show. I seek for the forgiveness of any mistakes and hope that people will like and enjoy this show."

Eurocup - Spain Vs Germany

Spain versus Germany, Nat versus Complaints

Third Complaint : The Broadcasting Authority received 2 complaints regarding the Spain versus Germany match of the Eurocup. Mingpao had also received a complaint letter complaining about one of the commentators, Nat Chan. The complaint says Nat Chan had used aggressive and provoking words when he was doing the commenting that night. He often breaks and stops the conversations of other commentators. He also seemed biased when he was passing his remarks. One example says "The German team look like a bunch of dancing monkeys with red backsides." This incident had affected the mood and feelings of many audiences. The person that complained had requested TVB to terminate their further cooperation with Nat Chan and suspend him as he is very worried that Nat will continue this behaviour when commenting about the Beijing Olympics.

Nat Chan - I am invincible, no mistake, need not say sorry!

Nat Chan responded to the 2 complaints. He says "Tell the 2 people that complained about me to sleep!" (Do you feel the 2 complainers have extreme views?) "I have extreme views too! Tell TVB fire me all you want!" "I am not getting any pay because I am a guest commentator. This is a football match. I support Spain, so I comment subjectively. It is normal and unavoidable so I need not be responsible. If I am a joker that is neutral, supporting both sides the audience will be bored and they will ask me to sleep instead! I am invincible, I need not apologize."
Nat was asked if he will bring this attitude to the studio when he is hosting shows of the Beijing Olympics. He says he is a host, not a commentator in the Olympic broadcast, so he will leave the commenting to the professional commentators.

TVB's high executive stated that the main commentators of that night's football match is Eric Kwong and Keyman, Nat Chan was just a guest commentator. Nat was invited to commentate as they believe he will make the match more lively.
"Nat is a experience show host,and MC, I believe that he will do well in the Olympic show."

Love Exchange

Green Faced Ghost scared the wits out of little children

Fourth Complaint (Latest this morning) : Yesterday there was a scene where Anita Yuen was teased by her colleagues in the company. The scene is about her in the washroom and a ghost suddenly appeared to scare her out of the sudden.
The Hong Kong Broadcasting Authority had received 2 complaints regarding this. TVB has yet to comment regarding this issue as it is still fresh from this morning.

Too much complaints? will be in trouble if there is more..

TVB will get another warning from the Broadcasting Authority regarding these 4 recent complaints.
2 months ago, TVB received a warning for having disturbing and painful scenes in Super Trio, (Disturbing scenes of punishment,including using the clips to pluck out nose hair, using sticky tape to remove leg hairs.)
TVB had also received a warning 3 months ago, regarding too much and too long broadcast of Lydia Shum's memorial service.
you can view some of the earlier complaints here :

Credits to

it's really ridiculous la.
i'll certainly support tvb for sure.
the people make complaints over such small matters.

she's planning to release recipe book and which i certainly will support her la.[:
ahahhas! :]
Ella's album is delayed as well.
same as Niki chow ):
both releasing at around Septmeber-October.
Leila is releasing her new album as well.
ahyooo. 3 artists releasing album soon.
i think i'll have to buy all 3. LOL

♥ Kukumei : hahahas! sure. see you at 12 tmr :)

♥ Rachel : is it? W890i is Madam Ma's phone? hahas! oooo. HAHAHS! GOTCHA RACHEL! i was being tricked by her acting skills also can! LOL! i thot ivan died you know! and i started crying already! i really thot ivan died you know! then in the middle, she got kinda of ivan not died or died? hahas! then at last is IVAN IS NOT DIED! she really scare me la! LOL! no wondeer people say her acting in the last epsiode was bravo!

♥ Janice.cookie : hahahs! thanks LOVE! enjoy your HK trip!

♥ Jessica LOVE : HELLO LOVE! hahahahs! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HUH?! LOL! xDD yea, true! LOL! YES YES! next time i sure call you when i see ya LOVE! HAHAHHAS! SURE! i take your words for it.! LOL! i will listen attentively to my sifu de (: HAHAS! HAHAS! considering which phone better lo. having headache. LOL! AHAHAS! okay, i'll consider gettign C902 since so many people saying that C902 is better. LOL.! but not changing soon, maybe waiting for the second batch of phones first. LOL! ooo. i'm so touched! LOL! STILL WANNA SAY ADVANCE THANKS to my POA sifu laa! [: TAke care LOVE!

♥ Pamela : Sunday is on IMM you know. so far from my house. HAHAS! i'll see first k. i'll message you if i'm going anot. (:

♥ Pika : HAHAS! PIKA! I WANT FH3! I DONT CARE! hahahahas! hopefully there is FH3 and yes, maybe they can introduce more cases and new people like continueing Sharon Chan's line! [:

♥ Carmen : hahas! yes! 5 times can! so touched la! LOL! ahyooo. that's really pity. You should have extend your stay (;

♥ Ahyuke : HAHAHS! ahyuke ah, why you so lame de? LOL! i also have! HEHEHS! C902 ah? okay lor, i'll wait for the second batch phone first. LOL! not fast la. i have to wait first. waiting needs time. LOL!

♥ Jingwen : ahahas! you also on for C902? LOL! okay! :] hahahahah! i dont choose the latest model but the overall design and information inside. [:

♥ Hugo : HAHAS! no, i'm not studying in HK. although i wish to go there and SHOP but definately NOT STUDYING There cos studying there is very stressful. students have to go school up to 8 hours a day. and even sat half day. LOL! *stress! i'm from the percussion (: Mostly on the Xylophone [:



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