Hello dearies!! :D
i'm so dead bored now.
i wanna watch Easterly badly!!
mum says wait for the full set to be out in malaysia then go there buy.
and worst of all, 3 of DVD players cannot work!
oh, this is shit.
ohwell, i just chop off my fringe.
looks like super bangs shit.
LOL! whatever la.
faster grow, fringe~ LOL!
I was watching drive of life on TV, and suddenly i miss charray so much
the show is ending soon.
and see how sau-fung care for zhen-bong.
HEHE! so sweet!! dodles!

okay, going to surf net now;
hahaaa! bye people!!
i'm so dead bored now.
i wanna watch Easterly badly!!
mum says wait for the full set to be out in malaysia then go there buy.
and worst of all, 3 of DVD players cannot work!
oh, this is shit.
ohwell, i just chop off my fringe.
looks like super bangs shit.
LOL! whatever la.
faster grow, fringe~ LOL!
I was watching drive of life on TV, and suddenly i miss charray so much
the show is ending soon.
and see how sau-fung care for zhen-bong.
HEHE! so sweet!! dodles!

♥ Hugo : hahas! it's alright. hahaaa! ooo. work hard for exams yea? (: good luck and all the best!! HAHA! i've been great.! how about you?
♥ Litingg gajei : i've replied you in your blog :D heheeee
♥ Mengkit : haha. oie, singing the school song is cute! LOL! being loyal to the school! HAHAA! ahya, you see me you can pass it to me already ma! LOL!!!
♥ Rachel : HAHAAAA! i got it for HK100, around S$20, around RM40, the newest version with his auto !! :D thanks to FF [: heheee! alamak is a good word! HAHAA!
♥ Tric : HEY HI! i'll send to you later :D sorry for the delay!!
♥ Kuku mei : HAHA! i tell you what degree Celsius de ma, of course it turns good la. HAHA! it's alright on the friday thing laa. small matter. HAHA! BBQ night, left early cos super tired. i had a long day of band you know. i'm a busy person! HAHAHAAA!
♥ Carmen : HAHA! gigi will be happy upon hearing this! heheee! yea, i'm sure fung will go malaysia to promote his album and so you can get it as well (:
♥ Siokkan : HAHAAAA! gajei!! no problem :D
♥ Vanessa : hihi [:
♥ Jessica LOVE : LOVEEE! hahahaaa! sure! jiayou ah! i wrote in your blog!! HAHA! awaiting to meet up with you!! but while studying, must rest a little one ah! don't tire yourself okay!! take care LOVEEE!
♥ Shirley : Replied in your blog! (:
♥ fIONA :i don't mind (; hahas! sure, i'll link you up asap [:
♥ Vee : FUNG!! yes FUNG!! LOL!!! hahaaa, okay la, xiao k becoming pretty over the years! HAHA! YES YES KEVIN-CHARM HOLD HANDS! HEHEE!
♥ Xenia : HAHA! HELLOOO!! really? wow! our bday quite close! HAHAA! yeps, i'm going korea :D really? wa, fated!! LOL!
♥ Janice.cookie : HELLO LOVELY!! glad to see you here in my blog!! HAHA! I LOVE YOU TOO DEARIE DEAR!!
okay, going to surf net now;
hahaaa! bye people!!