things are getting complicated..
每一條路 ,不容易走,但是不要放弃!
我們已經體驗許多事, 現在放弃不是如此浪費 ?
我懇切地希望大家愉快, 快樂. [:
life is full of ups and downs.
but look at the positive side, things will look better. (:
i cherish us, infact we cherish each of one :D
i hope we'll stay forever..
confusing, speechless, hurt.
i pray to god, please please let unhappy things go by..
i love & cherish everyone of them.
This is how fun star chasing friends can be! (:
lovely bunch of friends! :D
thanks for everything!!
enjoy & nights!
(my fung!! :D)

"V, i know you are very very hurt. but since we already know our mistakes and we already tried our best to solve it but ...
life has to keep going , look on the positive side of life (:
hugs! "