heya sweeties!
i know i have been neglectng my blog but you can't blame me cos i have a smoky com!
well, life has been great to me.
i have plenty of tests every week, and F&N O level coursework is coming to halfway.
i'm on my reseach and development.
i've been rather satisfied with my academic results.
(based on recent tests)
maths test 1 - A1 (HOORAYYYY!)
lol, well, it's just a simple doodle test. ! LOL.
chinese - there's up and downs la. so many test, not sure of comfirmation marks. :S
science(chem) test 1 - 28/35!
science(physics) test 1 - 17/30 (LOL, i dont always pass physics, but i pass this time! )
POA overall - 72!
F&N theory test 1 - 82! (:
seems like academic results has been great to me! HAHA
well, dancing has been great too.
i really enjoy dancing!
hahas! BUT salsa suits me better i think. :P
hahas! because salsa is a very sexy dance and the steps are really enjoying.
among chacha, salsa and jive, salsa is the best la.
but too bad Vee didnt join salsa class.BOO.
ohyes, xiao k!
star chasing for xiao k is great!
OMG, i love xiao k! she's so nice! :D
and we have many group photos together!
enjoy them!

i know i have been neglectng my blog but you can't blame me cos i have a smoky com!
well, life has been great to me.
i have plenty of tests every week, and F&N O level coursework is coming to halfway.
i'm on my reseach and development.
i've been rather satisfied with my academic results.
(based on recent tests)
maths test 1 - A1 (HOORAYYYY!)
lol, well, it's just a simple doodle test. ! LOL.
chinese - there's up and downs la. so many test, not sure of comfirmation marks. :S
science(chem) test 1 - 28/35!
science(physics) test 1 - 17/30 (LOL, i dont always pass physics, but i pass this time! )
POA overall - 72!
F&N theory test 1 - 82! (:
seems like academic results has been great to me! HAHA
well, dancing has been great too.
i really enjoy dancing!
hahas! BUT salsa suits me better i think. :P
hahas! because salsa is a very sexy dance and the steps are really enjoying.
among chacha, salsa and jive, salsa is the best la.
but too bad Vee didnt join salsa class.BOO.
Hugo : hello hugo! long time no see! HAHHA
Fran : you shut up ah! LOL! explode you first ah. i wil improve my zi pai. you shall see! HAHA.
hsiehhui: hahas! i cant come online often la. so you'l see me once in a while only. HAHAHA! cant update often la. com spoilt -.- HAHA
Kuku mei : eh, you another one ah, shut up lah. HAHA
Michelle : hello dear! how's life?
Jessica : hahas! i never touch my smoky com for long already! LOL! yesyes, hope to see you pretty soon, jesslove!
cx839 : hi! welcome! oh is it? i just copied her name from youtube side. LOL, i will amend it soon, thanks for informing!
Joanne : hello! er, we did the card together as a fanclub, and hannah (the official in charge for linda in singapore) will send it to overseas friend, and the friend will pass it to linda(: yes. i;m a linda fan too :D
Yanyi : hahas! yesyes, linda is pretty!
Hannah : SNOWMAN! HAHAHA! my smoky com no use already la. never touch lo. LOL. you want me to explode as well ah? LOL
Huiyin : HAHA! do already la! LOL
lingling : yo linglingggg! HAHAHA! hmmm, maths must always practice. LOL. i was shock to get A1 for test one. LOL. POA ah, hmm, i failed depriciation (OPPS) hahas! but i got 22/25 for bad debts. LOL. yes! FNN -.- . so many things to do lor, research can die la. LOL. but at least we are better then the D&T students. HAHA.
J : LOL! sorry la, but i cant seem to open your blog. :(
ohyes, xiao k!
star chasing for xiao k is great!
OMG, i love xiao k! she's so nice! :D
and we have many group photos together!
enjoy them!