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heya sweeties!
i know i have been neglectng my blog but you can't blame me cos i have a smoky com!
well, life has been great to me.
i have plenty of tests every week, and F&N O level coursework is coming to halfway.
i'm on my reseach and development.

i've been rather satisfied with my academic results.
(based on recent tests)
maths test 1 - A1 (HOORAYYYY!)
lol, well, it's just a simple doodle test. ! LOL.
chinese - there's up and downs la. so many test, not sure of comfirmation marks. :S
science(chem) test 1 - 28/35!
science(physics) test 1 - 17/30 (LOL, i dont always pass physics, but i pass this time! )
POA overall - 72!
F&N theory test 1 - 82! (:

seems like academic results has been great to me! HAHA
well, dancing has been great too.
i really enjoy dancing!
hahas! BUT salsa suits me better i think. :P
hahas! because salsa is a very sexy dance and the steps are really enjoying.
among chacha, salsa and jive, salsa is the best la.
but too bad Vee didnt join salsa class.BOO.

Hugo : hello hugo! long time no see! HAHHA

Fran : you shut up ah! LOL! explode you first ah. i wil improve my zi pai. you shall see! HAHA.

hsiehhui: hahas! i cant come online often la. so you'l see me once in a while only. HAHAHA! cant update often la. com spoilt -.- HAHA

Kuku mei : eh, you another one ah, shut up lah. HAHA

Michelle : hello dear! how's life?

Jessica : hahas! i never touch my smoky com for long already! LOL! yesyes, hope to see you pretty soon, jesslove!

cx839 : hi! welcome! oh is it? i just copied her name from youtube side. LOL, i will amend it soon, thanks for informing!

Joanne : hello! er, we did the card together as a fanclub, and hannah (the official in charge for linda in singapore) will send it to overseas friend, and the friend will pass it to linda(: yes. i;m a linda fan too :D

Yanyi : hahas! yesyes, linda is pretty!

Hannah : SNOWMAN! HAHAHA! my smoky com no use already la. never touch lo. LOL. you want me to explode as well ah? LOL

Huiyin : HAHA! do already la! LOL

lingling : yo linglingggg! HAHAHA! hmmm, maths must always practice. LOL. i was shock to get A1 for test one. LOL. POA ah, hmm, i failed depriciation (OPPS) hahas! but i got 22/25 for bad debts. LOL. yes! FNN -.- . so many things to do lor, research can die la. LOL. but at least we are better then the D&T students. HAHA.

J : LOL! sorry la, but i cant seem to open your blog. :(

ohyes, xiao k!
star chasing for xiao k is great!
OMG, i love xiao k! she's so nice! :D
and we have many group photos together!
enjoy them!


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