March 28, 2009.
Performance at SIngapore COnfrences hall for public.
it was a real great experience to perform there over and over again.[:
our performance was great!
Mr ow even said that's the best performance ever.
everybody was super happy! LOL.
[shall post up the pictures later, LOTS of it]
April 2, SYF 2009, band 77, balestier hill secondary school.
Ya, it's our SYF, it's over.
when the date hasn't reached, i am anticipating it to reach,
but when it actually reacher, i hope time would reverse.
we had a BRONZE medal- is it somrthing to be cheered for ?
it is really disappointing, we practiced so hard and we ended up with BRONZE,
i cried for 2 days man! it was really sad.
we were expecting at least a silver or perhaps a gold.
but reality didnt set us on.
after the SYF performance, Mr ow made a simple speech, which make me feel like tearing but i manage to held it back.
he thank each individual percussionist, thanks to mr ow for his hard work too.
along with other teachers like Ms pay, Ms chong and so on.
after the whole thing ended, band members went to ajisen to eat.
so many of us! LOL together with 4 小不点s!
really enjoyed that night!
we took lots of pictures!
daddy guiyuan and mummy yuzhen so shy one!
eh, dont act shy HOR! LOL.
yesterday, Vice principal said a few words, teared start rolling down my cheeks again.
she even asked band members to stand and thank us and encourage us.
this scene is really embarrasing.
after that, Mdm leela turn to encourage, then ms mai and so on.
everytime people remind me of it, i start to teared.
m eyes were straight swollen.
thanks to lots of people who cheer me up (:
including jeremy- he wennt to paste on my table," you are my gold band" LOL. that's very cute! appreciated! LOL.
and xinyii!, yinteng, sereenne, & more!
really thanks!
3rd April 2009
that there's band, instructor wants to talk to us.
when we went in, it was really funny!
brandon was the "conductor" HAHAHH! he conducted in the way such that his actions were freaking funny la! LOL.
everone anyho play intruments! LOL!
BLAST DAMN LOUD! like crazy! LOL.
then something happen, i play halfway then i teared again, eyes super watery, cause a scene came into my head that is i will miss band.
luckily no one knows! HAHA! they thought i teared cause too funny!
after pratice, mr leng made his speech
i thought i would cry again, so go buy tissue but in the end, i didnt cry cause perhaps i just accept the fact that we got that medal. [waste my money buy tissue! hfmp!]
like what he said, although we were not happy with the results, we cannot protest as well.
let's hope that the juniors will score us our medals back! [:
as long as we know we did our best!:)
after band, went study with mummy yuzhen and ahjie!
together with the 4 little ones and jesslyn (:
went to macs, 4 little ones were noisy! HAHAHA
especially viven! LOL. they keep taking pictures! LOL.
but they left early.
so left with mie, ahjie and me!
study lo. i think mie never even touch anything.
but keep playing with my english ditionary with ah jie!
mie did alot of stupid things when ah jie is sleeping! HAHA
i think mie learn from daddy alreay- BECOMING LAME. LOL
28 march photos!
performance @ singapore Confrence Hall.
(these photos taken by cutie junior- yanching!)
[Joyce becomes a flutist? HAHA! nono, how i wish i have choosen that section, i love flute nd saxo [: LOL! but well i love percussion too! :D i can blow twinkle twinkle with flute leh! LOL!]

[ During the wait for our performance turn, we play slapping the hands! LOL, ]


[Jiahui, mummyyuzhen,vivien & joyce!]

[Joyce & xiao viven!]

Alrights, upcoming photos are taken by us! =)

APRIL 2 photos!

Mummy Yuzhen & daddy guiyuan potrait! HAHA
& of course not forgetting family potrait la!
hehee! last 2 photos is one individual with daddy and mummy! :D

ok, shall end here!
off to meet mummy and ahjie!
i think i'm running late! :S
Performance at SIngapore COnfrences hall for public.
it was a real great experience to perform there over and over again.[:
our performance was great!
Mr ow even said that's the best performance ever.
everybody was super happy! LOL.
[shall post up the pictures later, LOTS of it]
April 2, SYF 2009, band 77, balestier hill secondary school.
Ya, it's our SYF, it's over.
when the date hasn't reached, i am anticipating it to reach,
but when it actually reacher, i hope time would reverse.
we had a BRONZE medal- is it somrthing to be cheered for ?
it is really disappointing, we practiced so hard and we ended up with BRONZE,
i cried for 2 days man! it was really sad.
we were expecting at least a silver or perhaps a gold.
but reality didnt set us on.
after the SYF performance, Mr ow made a simple speech, which make me feel like tearing but i manage to held it back.
he thank each individual percussionist, thanks to mr ow for his hard work too.
along with other teachers like Ms pay, Ms chong and so on.
after the whole thing ended, band members went to ajisen to eat.
so many of us! LOL together with 4 小不点s!
really enjoyed that night!
we took lots of pictures!
daddy guiyuan and mummy yuzhen so shy one!
eh, dont act shy HOR! LOL.
yesterday, Vice principal said a few words, teared start rolling down my cheeks again.
she even asked band members to stand and thank us and encourage us.
this scene is really embarrasing.
after that, Mdm leela turn to encourage, then ms mai and so on.
everytime people remind me of it, i start to teared.
m eyes were straight swollen.
thanks to lots of people who cheer me up (:
including jeremy- he wennt to paste on my table," you are my gold band" LOL. that's very cute! appreciated! LOL.
and xinyii!, yinteng, sereenne, & more!
really thanks!
3rd April 2009
that there's band, instructor wants to talk to us.
when we went in, it was really funny!
brandon was the "conductor" HAHAHH! he conducted in the way such that his actions were freaking funny la! LOL.
everone anyho play intruments! LOL!
BLAST DAMN LOUD! like crazy! LOL.
then something happen, i play halfway then i teared again, eyes super watery, cause a scene came into my head that is i will miss band.
luckily no one knows! HAHA! they thought i teared cause too funny!
after pratice, mr leng made his speech
i thought i would cry again, so go buy tissue but in the end, i didnt cry cause perhaps i just accept the fact that we got that medal. [waste my money buy tissue! hfmp!]
like what he said, although we were not happy with the results, we cannot protest as well.
let's hope that the juniors will score us our medals back! [:
as long as we know we did our best!:)
after band, went study with mummy yuzhen and ahjie!
together with the 4 little ones and jesslyn (:
went to macs, 4 little ones were noisy! HAHAHA
especially viven! LOL. they keep taking pictures! LOL.
but they left early.
so left with mie, ahjie and me!
study lo. i think mie never even touch anything.
but keep playing with my english ditionary with ah jie!
mie did alot of stupid things when ah jie is sleeping! HAHA
i think mie learn from daddy alreay- BECOMING LAME. LOL
MIchelle: hmmm, not really updating my show list, been pretty busy. perhaps the newest show i finished is CLICK入黄金屋. (: how about you?
Kuku mei: HAHAHAS! WHAT?! pongteng means pongteng! no excueses~! HAHHA
Vivien: 小不点! of course i know who you are la! the violent little girl!
litingg: HELLO GAJEI! hahas! thanks! same for you too!
Lngling: YO! JIAYOU AH! work hard and work hard! i screw up my FNN's DEVELOPMENT as well. i have to redo that part everything man. ya, have to work hard lo. O's monsters are really terrible. we cant afford to rest even an hour lo. ALl the best to you too! to your SYF as well (:
Isebelle: HELLO CUTIE MUI(: thanks so much lovely! you're totally loved by JOYCE AS WELL! (: good luck in everything! :D
28 march photos!
performance @ singapore Confrence Hall.
(these photos taken by cutie junior- yanching!)
[Joyce becomes a flutist? HAHA! nono, how i wish i have choosen that section, i love flute nd saxo [: LOL! but well i love percussion too! :D i can blow twinkle twinkle with flute leh! LOL!]

[ During the wait for our performance turn, we play slapping the hands! LOL, ]


[Jiahui, mummyyuzhen,vivien & joyce!]

[Joyce & xiao viven!]

Alrights, upcoming photos are taken by us! =)
APRIL 2 photos!
Mummy Yuzhen & daddy guiyuan potrait! HAHA
& of course not forgetting family potrait la!
hehee! last 2 photos is one individual with daddy and mummy! :D
ok, shall end here!
off to meet mummy and ahjie!
i think i'm running late! :S