Hi hi dear readers!
im so sorry about the SUPER DUPER LATE POST.

More pictures available on FACEBOOK! (:
im so sorry about the SUPER DUPER LATE POST.
i just finished exams not long ago and there are like a few programmes awaiting for me!
anyway, im so so reluctant to say but stilll.. i screwed up my marketing paper. ):
literally, ive got a strong feeling, i might even fail my marketing paper! ):
HOW HOW. i dont want my gpa to fall! ): REALLY.
ive been working hard, late and nights, but still, i dont know why i cant produce the same quality answers during mid sem D:
this is really depressing ):
but still i wanna thank god so much for staying with me all these days during exams, giving me the full knowledge during exams times. D:
hopefully i still can maintain well for all my subjects :/ *prays really hard*
end of exams talk. anyway, i hope my stats can make it to an A too ):
4th of march 2010.
CLASS 1B07 CHALET and chowchow's belated birthday.
We had planned this during our exams period, we couldnt celebrate for her at that time.
thus, we just planned what to do and then carry out this secret mission for her. ;D
We stayed back on thursday to do the SPECIAL DIY card (: which i think its really pretty! ^^ hahaha, well, we are that artistic! :]
On friday, met keiko, farhanah, louise and michelle at circuit road!
and keiko built up a white lie! HAHA, but the blur chowchow didnt even realise it! HAHAH.
so keiko went to "meet" annabel, while the rest of us just stay at the coffee shop preparing the cake and the stuff.
the minute she walked in, she was SHOCKED to see us here!! HAHAHA.
and so we sang the birthday song!~~
cutting cake.presenting present.taking photos!
hope you like everything we've done for you, my lovely friend! ^^
after that, we stayed put at annabel's house for a while.
she was so happy that the board was pasted on her wall beside her bed! HAHA
so she can see us everyday before she sleeps. LOL.
After chow's house, we went to buy some bbq stuffs and head over to east coast!!! :D
there begins our BBQ for our class!
its so unbelievable that we are separating very soon! D:
i just hope everyone will live well in coming future!
study hard too!
Let the pictures do the talking then! :)

More pictures available on FACEBOOK! (: