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#CLIF private screening!

im here to update you on C.L.I.F's private screening!
Dont know what is C.L.I.F? not the 山 hor, its a new channel 8 police drama which is airing after The In-laws. (btw, have you all been watching In-laws?! BETTER WATCH HUH. :p)
I arrived on that day, primarily, not to look at the artists whom are coming but to watch the storyline seriously and to do a good and fair job on writing my reviews on C.L.I.F as channel 8's blogger. The artists, are secondary. *wink*

So basically, what does C.L.I.F means?
it means Courage, Loyalty, Integrity and Fairness.
the four core values which guide the officers of the Singapore Police Force. (SPF)

so what makes this police show different from the others?
This drama is set to be the most realistic Singapore-based Police drama series ever, with extensive support from the Singapore Police Force. Which means, everything that they (the artists do) they have to follow SPF's rules strictly. This is the first time, SPF is using a drama to share with the public an insight into the life and work of officers in the Police Force. They wish to tell the audiences what they are doing and at the same time portraying the values- C.L.I.F.

The above is the overview of C.L.I.F.


So on the 20th, i met Peiyi at Plaza Singapura.
We were slightly late, think we reached Sinema Old School at around 7.55pm when we are suppose to report at 7.45pm. I was late because i was held up in school for CCN day! (For the sake of charity! :) so its a good thing! :p )

So we went up to the registration table and register my name!
*proud to be a blogger for channel 8!* wink! (:
they gave us coupons to redeem or free food and drink!
and to my surprise, channel 8 is generous to give all the bloggers a mouse!
and it's beautiful! :)
Thank you Channel 8!

After registration and collecting all our drinks and food, we proceed to the "Movie place" and was hosted by the friendly staffs inside the theater. I'm thankful to the staffs there as they reserved the first and second row of the seats just for bloggers and their friends :) So, peiyi and i sat at the first row and both of us took out of DSLR to take photos of the scene.

So, who do we see at the scene?
The supporters of the artists of course!
WE SEE........................

ROMEO'S Supporters!
REBECCA LIM's Supporters!
The heartwarming Elvinology- Elvin's Supporters! (although he is not in singapore, his fans still came down to support this actor because he is starring in it. )
Chris Tong's Supporters! Her fans are really WOW! why do i say so? they brought all her big boards here!! and the boards were amazingly nice! Good job to Chris's Fans!

After taking photos of their fans, we walk about and talk to them and then back to our seats while we wait for the handsome host to host the event.
Of course, while waiting, we cant miss the opportunity to camwhore right? (:

This is the screen which we were going to watch the Premier episode of C.L.I.F.

So, not long after, Our host for the event arrived!
SO WHO IS HE.............................................................?


Ben is quite hilarious as he is able to make the audiences laugh as he want to. (: and he is always trying to engage audiences in his talk. :D

Next up were the artists!
Peiyi and i were able to peek through the curtains and i saw chris tong outside!
She's very friendly, and she wave to me as i waved to her :)
thanks Chris! you were really sincere, friendly and pretty! :)
So Ben introduced the artists one by one.

First up, We have the handsome Tay Ping Hui.

Next up, we have Joanne Peh!

and subsequently, the rest of the artists came in. They are giving us a brief information of them in the show.

We have Chris here to give us a brief introduction! And what amazed me is that this malaysia beauty is truly a great beauty! she has this very radiant look and she kept smiling throughout the entire event. Kudous to Chris Tong!

In fact, all the casts who took their time off their busy schedule to come and attend this event just because of their fans. and we thank them for being able to come down :)

After the various casts gave us a brief introduction, without further ado, the premier of the first episode is finally showing!
I was anticipating it because i want to see what is the difference between C.L.I.F and the rest of the police dramas.
i would say in general, the drama was pretty okay ( i cant conclude now right? if only by watching first episode and i say it was damn good, then something is wrong, there most probably will be biasness). i was quite happy with Elvin's role (: he was portraying this "kinda-lazy-who-yawns-every-minute" policeman whom he pairs up with Tracy.

Basically, episode 1 was a blast! why do i say so? it was pretty unusual when i first watched.
the very first scene was TPH going in action to control people (its so similar to like riots? LOL) at first, i was wondering why was he there for ? and that place is depicting Thailand? and his mission was to sent the VIPs/president/important people off the country. After that he was back in singapore. And by then, i came to realise that he went to other country to do his police job! there were lots of like fighting among people, bombing of vehicals etc.

While TPH is standing alone in his police team (Chris hasnt appear), we have Joanne Peh and Qi Yu Wu on the other hand whom they are under Aileen Tan. The three of them are in Tanglin Police Division. I was praising our Best Actor 2011's acting skills! he definitely suit this role and he looks super natural in his role! :D They receive a case (i dont think i can elaborate on this, you have to watch it yourself! :p) and went down to the location. So basically, is to persuade the group of people to stop creating trouble but they failed and have to make use of the Special Operations Command- the unit which comes out to disperse the crowd. THIS WAS THE SCENE I WAS TRULY AMAZED WITH THEM! The SOC (Special Operations Command) group make use of their real equipments! including the transport, the uniforms and their hands-on equipments! I know words cant described these but it was truly AWESOME! they were so united!! and you can see how they actually worked in real life! i was watching and i literally went WOW. THEY DAMN NICE SIA.

hahah! so do watch how the SOC works! SUPER COOL!

On the next end, we have elvin and tracy paired up as "walk-a-bout officers". Tracy, is a girl whom she is passionate about her job while Elvin is the opposite end. He is always yawning and believe that whatever Tracy says its kinda "no-brainer". What they encounter is a bomb issue in a dustbin!

See how they crack their cases by watching C.L.IF premiers May 31st, 9pm only on Channel 8!

So, after the show, everyone clapped and was asked to answer some questions regarding the show. and winners walked away with exclusive CLIF goodie bags! It was then near to photo session cum interacting with artists part! The artists came down from their seats for photo session where bloggers were invited up to take photo of them! here are some photos to share!

The casts of C.L.I.F!

The casts of C.L.I.F! Smile everyone!

The casts of C.L.I.F! Look at what Joanne is doing! she's so cute!

The casts of C.L.I.F! Joanne suggested doing some poses to enhance the photos! HAHA. thanks joanne!
The casts of C.L.I.F!
What caught their attention?!

The casts of C.L.I.F! Chen Tai Ming Da Ge seemed like he has a rough idea of what pose to do!

The casts of C.L.I.F!

The casts of C.L.I.F!

The casts of C.L.I.F! PERFECT SHOT!

The casts of C.L.I.F! hilarious cum exaggerating scene! HAHA

Thank you handsome hunk, Romeo! despite the noob photographer that is me, tries to keep adjusting the lenses and all, Romeo kept his smile on for a few seconds so as to allow me to take a nice picture of him! thank you handsome! :) *EXCLUSIVE: As a professional blogger, while the rest went to take pictures with all other artists, i grabbed Romeo for a short interview before he is being pulled away for pictures!

Q: how do you feel about your experience in CLIF?
Romeo: it was an intense experience because of the collaboration with SPF. The rules were quite strict and they have to sort of follow them strictly, but the after production was quite good.

i heard from Romeo that every half an hour, the SPF had to call back to the headquarters to check if all of the procedures/steps/things were right. This is how strict they are.

Wow, so this is perhaps the difference between CLIF and the rest of the Police-related dramas?
Catch it and look out for it then :)

Sincere thanks to Romeo for answering my question! :D

Chris and Joanne were mesmerized by Chen Tai Ming Da ge's real police badge?! HAHA

Pretty Smile Joanne!

What is Chris thinking at this point of time?! HHAA, so cute!
Pretty Smile Chris! You are so pretty in real life! =)

Presenting to you The casts of C.L.I.F!

Chen Tai Ming da ge, we know you have the police badge already! :p

the two loving beauties =)

Hello Chris! thanks for your smile for the whole night! :)

A picture with the nice Aileen Tan! i like her! she's so motherly!! :D hehehe! and she's very cute! Bloggers had this white sticker given by the staffs so as to distinguish bloggers and the rest, so i went to paste it on my arm and Aileen thought i injured myself. Knowing the truth, aileen was rather heart pain for me and went to say "how could they do like that" HAHA. she was afraid that the sticker was hurting my arm. awwww, thank you aileen "mummy"! i dont know why, but the moment you sit down with her, you can feel her warmth and she praised me for having a nice dress! =) she's very nice! thank you aileen!

Introducing the marketing and brand managing personal (i cant remember his exact post, but somehow he is the one who takes care of the promotional and marketing events! thank you for this event! We enjoy it! hope you employed me as your blogger for other events too huh! HAHAH ! :D
Ending my day with a picture =)

Im so tired now! going to head to sleep soon! goodnight everybody! hope you enjoyed this long post and do remember to watch C.L.I.F, debuting on 31st May 2011, 9pm! look at how SPF, SOC and PCG (upcoming) do their work!


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