Signing off,
not sleeping cause i'm worrying.
im keeping my prayers for you, dont worry as father will be with you. =)
Okay, this post is dedicated to my [囧2] lovely bunch of people!
& also to blog about my experience for filming this talk show.
It's my first time participating in talk show though so im quite afraid i'd say the wrong thing.
HAHA. you know, after you left secondary school, no one uses chinese anymore.
Although i scored A1 for my O levels chinese but sad to say ive returned everything to my chinese teacher :( so im more ang mo now.
As expected, during the 3 days filming, my chinese really cannot make it.
You can see that everyone's board is written in chinese & mine is the only 1 full of english words.
LOL. cause at the point of time, i dont remember how to write the chinese characters!! LOL.
okay, please laugh at me if you want to.
Ive lots of feeling while filming this talk show.
& i find attending a talk show is pretty fun! ^^
the filming process is much easy and relax! not much of re-taking.
But when it comes to acting, have to depend on the weather, the number of re-takings is 123456789... x infinity. i remember when filming [PK.love], it was really tedious.
the weather was hot in the beginning, and lots of re-taking shots.
we thought we could successfully finished the filming soon but who knows it rains and we've to sheltered ourselves! and waited till the rain stops!
but that was one of my favourite production because the producer Xin Ni is very very nice towards me!^^ i like her too :)
In the midst of filming [囧2], ive made countless of friends~
to be truthful, i was rather scared of them. WHY? because they were really loud. (no offense but hahaha. pls dont blame me! T.T)
I can only be loud if im with a familiar bunch of people, but wow, being in a new environment with a large group of total new friends really scares the hell out of me.
I remembered when i entered the reception on my first day of filming, many awkward eyes starring and i kept tweeting "DAMN AWKWARD DAMN AWKWARD" hahah! but it was really awkward. I think they knew one another beforehand already because they were in the earlier days of filming! and i was there, STANDING ALONE :( haha!
The very first friend i made was kimberly.
at least i had a friend to talk to! and Pancake was sitting beside me :p
hehe. subsequently, i wasnt that afraid anymore as im used to the environment.
This is the first batch of people i found to be really loud and hyper and crazy (in a positive way).
no wonder 豆花 got frightened. HAHA.
if you realise, 豆花 will talk to you if you talk to her because 豆花 dont dare to approach people.
*shy* HAHHA.
FYI, 豆花 is my nickname for 你在囧什么2?
Airing on September 7, wednesday 9pm @ Channel U!
please support 豆花 and her friends!
anyway, why did i choose 豆花?
Originally i chose 豆腐,but it was taken and the producer wants either both of us to change our nicks, so to save the trouble, i decided to change mine to 豆花. haha. everyone was shocked because my friends were thinking how can they link 豆花 to joyce? HAHA.
but anyway, thats a random nick that pops up la.
back to the part of my friends at 你在囧什么2?
i only get to know more of them when there were a few gatherings being held after the filming.
& to tell the truth, i was even thinking whether is it "they dont like me? or am i looking funny?" cause they dont wanna talk to me. :( HAHA.
im always the first one to leave after each filming!
& ya, basically it was really awkward to speak to them.
Im so sorry my friends! i was hoping to be able to "click" well but i just couldnt cause i cant bring myself to start talking. LOL.
& sometimes i got annoyed when they are too noisy! (im sorry!!!! but ya, thats the truth! but its still a happy ending!! dont scold me first! )
BUT, i came to realize this group of people means a lot to me because usually 豆花 wont cry! she only cries when she gets too angry.
During the last day of filming, these people sang the 朋友 song and my tears automatically rolled down my cheek. yes, it ended, & i could feel the 不舍得~ and finally 豆花 broke down.
luckily, my make up was still presentable, if not, the camera will be filming a horror movie.
Thanks friends, for adding life in my filming journey.
thank you dearest production team, you all know i owe you more than i could barely returned.
thank you everyone who made this a success.
Thank you Tano, my dance partner in the show :)
thank you to everyone who dotes and shower love on 豆花 (especially lovely 大顺姐和王妃姐-谢谢你们的期望于许多的鼓励,豆花会加油,希望有一天会成功的!)
Enough of the talking! Let the pictures present you 豆花's exciting talk journey and her friends and the production crew!
这是王妃姐姐。待人友善,亲切于客气!豆花对她印象很深刻因为她是豆花在面试时和豆花相处的! 她和鲨鱼姐(对吧?)录我的recordings的哦!王妃姐姐,在录音时,经常不路面,因为做了很多幕后的工作!辛苦了王妃姐姐!

哈哈!这是坏人!! 不是啦,她是豆花的最爱-大顺姐!大顺姐永远把“门口在那边” 挂在嘴边,可是最不舍得我们的就是她!对吧?:p 豆花就是这么后脸皮!哈哈。 可是真的要说声谢谢,谢谢你对豆花的照顾,谢谢你一次又一次的疼爱豆花,鼓励豆花!难怪豆花最舍不得的是你!:p

这是我们最棒的制作组!没有他们就没有你在囧什么2? 没有你在囧什么2?,就没有豆花和许多豆花很爱的同学们!其实在拍摄期间,最辛苦就是他们。每天熬夜熬通宵,准备每一天的节目,不眠不休的,辛苦了!谢谢你们对我们的照顾!!我们永远爱你们哦!^^
这是我们最搞笑于最有默契的主持人!LeeTeng 和 Peifen 姐!^^




这是和我最多话说的pancake 和 跟我有共同兴趣的Rainie! ^^

这是我在节目中认识的帅气拉丁舞伴TANO! ^^他很会counsel人!舞也跳得不错哦! 谢谢你当时的舞哦! 继续跳好舞, 有机会一定会在和你切磋!哈哈!


这是豆豆一家的taupok! 也是跟豆花同一个中学的!不要叫我师姐只因为我比你早毕业!会显得我很老!可是大家,别相信他,因为他在年纪上是比豆花大!哈哈!


欢迎你在囧什么2?的同学们,主持人,嘉宾们和特别来宾-AIJIA! 她唱歌好好听哦!真希望我有她一半的功力!! :(

Signing off,
你在囧什么2? Let's Talk 2, airing on september 7, wednesday, 9pm only on channel U!!
Please catch our performance and discuss the topics together with is! ^^
If you have any questions you would like to know, drop me a message on the top right hand corner of the first box! it will be transferred to my formspring and i'll answer you if i know how to!^^