ABOVE: My fellow PACEsetters! So proud of all of you all to be in the academic lists! ^^ lets work hard for the continuous semester and allow our name to be up there once again!
ABOVE: My fellow B.I.G main comm! (: Congratulations everyone!!^^ all of us had work hard and we will continue to work hard once again ok!! ^^
PACEsetters Annual General Meeting 2011 on 9th July 2011
Thank you god for this awesome bunch of people in my life :)
Presenting you our big PACEsetters family! ^^ getting bigger right? of course! Im so glad PACEsetters is growing! :) and now we have 2 advisors in-charge of our CCA! ^^ hehehe!
Our Year 2's PACEsetters!! Everyone looked gorgeous and handsomely handsome! HAHAH. except for Raymond, always dirty. HOHO. but im happy to say i love my batch soo soo much!! ^^ the love between us is immeasurable and everyone would feel loved ~~~ kekekek! ^^

ABOVE 2: WE ARE THE EVENTS PEOPLE! ^^ hehe. and events people are always the FUN people yo. haha. just kidding, everyone is great! ^^ i love my BIG main comm! :))
MY HEAD OF WELFARE VANESSA!! HAHA. timestable! thats what she said! pretty funny! HAHAHA. Yati is also my head of welfare! kekekeke. Vanessa is such a nice person! HAHA! love you vaness!
We had fun interacting with our B.I.G subcomm group yo! :)
HAPPY 3rd MONTHIVASRY FT!! (my love!!!) on 20th July 2011.
and im truly grateful i have them in my life.
EVENT: TEENAGE OF THE FACE 2011 on 23 July 2011

Angeline and i went on to the qualifying round of Teenage Face of the Year 2011!
its been a long time since i last blogged.
ahya, everytime, i blogged, i'll never fail to say the above 2 sentences.
Well, my life is still as busy as ever.
no time to even go for dance, because tests and projects comes after one another.
good job.
but i'll never ever gave up on dance as it is my passion (:
once a dancer, always am :D
i'll come back soon, miss me dance mates! ^^
been up to lots of projects recently.
what i meant for projects are not those academically ones (of course we are pretty busy with that too) but projects from the CCAs!
its really meaningful to have CCA in poly life although some do not really like it, but i advise those who do not have cca to join a cca, really, it adds colour to your life! :)
Thank god for the motivation.thank god for being there for me every now and then.
thank god for providing me whatever i wanted.
thank god for this award.
Im really happy to be in the DHL list, like how many times can you have the opportunity to work hard and be in the prestigious list? but come to think about it, year 2, its gonna be a tougher road, and in this current semester, ive already got 2 Bs for my projects and im really depressed, really. Im hoping the remaining projects can allow me to get a high A so that my overall for that subject would be an A. im not hoping for a distinction because i know its impossible alr.
But, please, i would love to have no more Bs onwards grades but only As. :(
Its been really depressed to hear all my projects had gotten a B instead. and im so afraid my GPA would fall. and im pretty serious. I.DO.NOT.WANT.IT.TO.FALL.
so ive to work extremely hard this sem. :( but i believe god will be with me and would give me the drive to work even harder and achieve my As. Way to go, JOYCEEEE!
Thank you god for this awesome bunch of people in my life :)
i've a weird problem, i cant speak in front of Susan but i can speak comfortably in front of Catherine! HAHA, thats why im always speaking to Catherine instead! :p oppsy!
i love PACEsetters!! :))
Presenting to you is our Main Comm for PACEsetters AY 2011/2012!! ^^SUB-COM ORIENTATION FOR BUSINESS INTEREST GROUP 2011~!

HAPPY 3rd MONTHIVASRY FT!! (my love!!!) on 20th July 2011.
Thank god for this group of people.
Really, no one showers me more love than them.
No one cares about me more than them.and im truly grateful i have them in my life.
When im sick, they'll be the first group of people coming to care and concern and ask if im alright and if im not, they'll take care of me, always.
i behaved like a kid all the time though im the oldest in FT (except for twin :p)
well, im the kid leader there! :p hehehe! (same as taeyeonnie!)
and FT always couldnt stand my "adorable-ness" and my kiddish-ness but they love me for who i am and what im doing.
Sometimes, people just couldnt understand why are we so loving, but there's only one answer and thats cause we are FT. (:
Im grateful for every single thing that you all had done for me and i feel really bad because i dont think i sacrifice so much for you all.
Cheers to our 3rd month love! and it'll always be going~~
Thank you Maine and Mei to prepare home-cooked pasta and bring all the way to school just because i said "i did not have home cooked food for ages." and thanks mei for the cookies! it was really delicious!
nothing that ive prepared would be as scarifying as you guys. but please wait for mine, and i would you guys would love it. :p
Thank You FT! ^^ Happy Monthnivasary my dears!! i love you guys ttm! ^^
To the Kpanda: I doubt you would read this too but just to tell you i really really love you. HAAHAHA. for giving us encouragements, for the gifts and for the endless love. (: every single thing you said/you bought/you show meant a lot. and cheers up all! its like a total black sky that becomes pinky-orangey! (ive to insert the word pink because skies look great with pink^^ hehe, okay, perhaps cause i like pink too much). and im glad you've grown up too! say thanks to teacher maine! hehehe! just kidding! please take care and will continue to pray for you while working there k! dont feel alone or afraid because FT will always stand by you! toodles! ^^

EVENT: TEENAGE OF THE FACE 2011 on 23 July 2011

It was a funfilled experience when it comes to audition and i can say im not as nervous anymore because ive gone through Teens Model Search ALONE!! HAHAHA.
but it was quite fun though, its always not the results that matters but the process.
There's only one judge this time round and she is gorgeous!! OMGosh, the she smiled and talk! SO BEAUTIFUL!! ^^
my audition was not up to expectation la i guess. not more of the talking but the performing! i was doing JIVE without MUSIC!! and i hope she is alright with it! :p
and after that i continued with SING&DANCE snsd's tedious Into The New World.
u can totally imagine, after Jive-ing, its already super tired!! and ive to sing and dance next! so as expected, i was out of breathe! HAHAHA. but luckily in the first place i did tell the judge that my singing may not be that good. HAHA. and they understand! ^^
so my performance wasnt up to expectation la! LOL.
the audition process was rather fast and i was told to take a video for ACNES- to be a mock ambassador for the brand ACNES. LOL.
it was hilarious and paisei cause i made the person wait super long!! HAHAH.
so sorry!! cause i cant think of any tagline to end with it!
hahah! so in the end i just ahya, just go with it! HAHAHA.
and i looked DAMN CUI IN THE VIDEO CAN! the wind kept blowing then all my hairs were flying~~
LOL. but whatever, although i wish/hope for it but i know i wont reach it. :(
hahaha, joyce, just pray for miracles k. HAHAHHAHA.
but still, im happy for the exposure and experience! MUHAHAHAHA.
more projects to chiong!! :p