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Annoyeong! blogging at this unearthly hour because there are so many things that are going through my mind right now. YES, like now.
I've been reflecting on advices that were given to me, like what do I want in life next time?
What do I wanna do? I've been certain in my answers like oh, I'm sure I wanna do something related to aviation. And my paymummy asked me, so did you went to do research on which universities teach something related like that? and my answer was no, im not sure. The question than popped back to me "in that case, you are not certain of your path yet because you did not even go and research about something that you are certain that you want to do." At that moment, I went, oh right, why am I making excuses to delay the research of my future path when I said I am certain I wanna do aviation, is there really something that is stopping me? But there is one thing which I am sure of is that I do not want an office job that requires me to sit at my desk form 9-6pm kind and what you do is to stare at the computer. NO WAY NO WAY. I rather have jobs like requires me to speak to clients and so on & of course allowing me to travel to do business. I really need a job that needs me to walk here and there and definitely not sitting there and stare at computer work for hours. I get bored easily and totally lost interest in the job (although the job pays higher).

Yea, a lot of people heard that I studied Banking and finance and everyone goes WOAH, NEXT TIM EARN A LOT LEH~~ Come on, try sitting there for hours starring at the computer and do work. Might be of interest to some of you but definitely not my style of job.

& this question came from her again "Its just like acting right? you have interest in it, so no matter what, you will still go for auditions and try your best to clinch the role because you are so into acting!" & I nodded. YES, WHAT IS STOPPING ME FROM MY CERTAINTY ?! I'm not sure now if what I wanna do in future is aviation related already. My path now becomes blurrish again, Sigh....

But what Im really interested in is the arts! Acting, dancing and singing and yes i do wanna go far, but think about it manz, who succeeds a lot in this area?! It's not east at all to establish your name! It's like what will happen to you during rainy days? because in this industry, your income is not stable. But it's something I like to do. PLUS, in this industry, you need CONNECTIONS & LUCK. which I do not have all the time la. So, you see, its not easy to make a choice between passion/interest & income. HOW NOW BROWN COW.

A 19 year old has to think too much. SIGH.
I believe gods has plans for me in future, but im just not sure when is he going to reveal the plans for me. lolll

Okay, change topic:
what have i been doing? Interning. What job- 9-6 kind of office job (and that's where I begin to feel thats not something I want to do in future. ) Sad news.

But of course God is God, God is always our miracle working God.
Im truly amazed by all the miracles that he had created for me.
Apart from sad news,
I thank you daddygod for giving me great results this semester.
I thank you daddygod for the lead role in channel5's docudrama.
I thank you daddygod for giving everything that I've asked for.
I always believe when you did not get something that you wanted, it's because daddygod had already planned something big for you in future :')

Talking about my docudrama, I can't reveal too much yet.
But in each episode, it features different defiant teenagers like- Underage sex, underage drinking, drugs, special cases- OCD etc.
& my episode was on OCD, ahhhh, interesting right? So do remember to catch them when it premiers! & it's my VERY FIRST TIME doing a lead role on TV and it challenged me on a lot of emotional scenes which I am always stressing out for because I wanted to do my best yet when its on cue, I can't portray what i've practiced at home and i'll feel super angry with myself like x infinity. I just hope i'll have more chances in future to get on TV to accumulate experiences. I wanna thank daddygod for great crews and casts I've met too! :D If weren't for their guidance, I failed even more jialat. When you watched my episode, I'll be glad to hear feedbacks from you all so I can improve further! I still have a whole lot of improvement to catch up! and as i said, this industry needs lots of CONNECTION &  LUCK. so quoted from handsome Darryl "Dream for more roles & they will come to you." HAHA. He's so niceeeee!

Remember to catch ON THE EDGE, 26 September 2012, 10pm on Channel 5!
I just realized most of my friends are participating in it too!
So fun! ^^
If i'm not wrong, Mine will be Episode 8! let's see howwww it goes!

BYEEE FOR NOW! waking up in 2 hours time for work, ohmygawd, I hope i wont fall asleep. :/


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