I'm back to blogging again, was thinking to update pretty long ago but im just lazy.
I was thinking of updating my blog frequently. okay, i shall make it a promise to update it more frequently and less lazier. (i try my best!)
i have to admit I dont even know how my blog looks like now. lollll and im supposed to blog 2 different post! One on my recent film and the other on TCP Christmas Party celebration which was held on the 15th.
Let's see if im lazy after this. hehe.
Okay, so this post is dedicated to my 1st Chinese show (when i said first, its like roles which you have character's name) Although its not like you know those Channel8 then got many episodes then can see my face a lot of times one. Not lah, *cheyyyy* yes i know, i shall just wait miraculously for any casting directors to read my blogpost and cast me in drama(S) okay!! *prays* hahahaha continue to dream Joyce....
Anyway, this is a docu-drama which is going to be aired in ChannelU next year, probably around February!
& my name in this docu-drama is 珊! (SHAN). My character in it is a supporting role whom she is the best friend of 心宜(Xin Yi). Shan has to be a very worrying friend and always cares for Xin Yi because Xin Yi is down with some disorder. Although I may not be playing a main role in this docu-drama, i find that Shan, this character has her own challenges too. I guess I still need a lot more experiences to continue. I'm really thankful for my director because she even took time out to rehearse with us before the official shoot commences. I really learnt a lot from her, the way to react very very real and to make your acting seemed like its not acting. because this is a docu-drama, everything that is filmed needs to be in a "everyday-you-see-those-singaporean-style-kind."
On the first day of filming, my scene requires only a few hours. started off with a scene with my 姨婆 (grand aunt?), and i already learnt things like you have to know where to stand so that your co-actors will not block you, you have to stand at a specific place so that the lighting is the best etc. I went on with a scene with Xin Yi where you have to be "shocked" to see her. THIS.IS.DANGEROUS. why? how to act shock when a you know the person is going to appear? okay not that difficult, but the difficult point here is how to shock naturally and really pretend you do not know that Xin Yi is not there? Thanks to the experienced crew, using real life experience and glad that it all went good. I was so happy when director went “好,真的有被吓倒啊!” Instant smile came to me. LOLLL. ahya this kind of thing when you are in character, you need to put in your very best and really made the crew go WOW that kind. Hello, you are acting rightttttttt of course dont wanna kana scoldings ma. So better put in the very best! *shows muscles* And director wants me to chase Xin Yi and as i do that, to build up emotions constantly and end of with a high tide. I was told off many times that i couldnt reach the constant emotions build up. Director kept reminding me she needs to see that the emotions are building up and tada, reached the extreme upon the last dialogue. I was rather afraid and worried at that point of time because I couldn't do it in one take. So i told myself, ahya, just give all out lah. I have a bad problem of unable to raise my voice. REALLY. sigh. i.need.to.train.my.voice.badly.
On the second day of filming, it was a pretty long day. It was all in a school scene with more actors in the show. More emotions are needed in the day for Shan's character. Such as worrying for Xin Yi because she is attempting suicidal. Okay, in real life, sometimes we just moved our brows slightly and perhaps your friends can see your expression already. In front of the camera, you have to exaggerate the expressions. YOU HAVE TO. because expressions are not easily seen if you just do it slightly. So i tried my best to portray what director wants. Hopefully i did what she wanted. :x it moved on to another scene where Shan has to react to Xin Yi's very "high" mood. Shan has to always be very concern about Xin Yi because Xin Yi is abnormal. Abnormal in the form of having some disorders. This is where lines are overlapping and all and we have to be careful not cover each other's lines. And we had to end off with shocked faces again. This is extremely funny because everybody started laughing! Jasmine was really cute! we were supposed to look "shocked" and hold there till director says cut. HAHA. we NG-ed for about 3-4 times cause everybody ended up laughing before the "cut". LOL. it was really enjoyable! We wrapped off at around 7pm plus for a scene where Shan have to challenge the constant build up of emotions. The worrying emotions have to be built from the low to high tide. Thankful for the advance rehearsals that director had given so we did the scene pretty fast! ^^
On the final day of filming *cries* always like that one. So fast wrapped then people start to get emotional lah. How i wish i can film a drama soon. Like those a few episodes one D: Ohwells.... soon soon..... in my dream. We had our public shoot at Chinatown. I was so shocked that although its a Monday, there are like TONS of people. Tons of people also need to film! so we continued but there were a few laughing disruptions like uncles and aunties always walking pass halfway. Camera-bombed! lol. We had a fun time laughing as well. This particular day scenes were more of like fun and guessed the most challenging part would be the one that I was struggling to pull Xin Yi away. Due to my friction-less shoes, it seemed like i was ice skating and got pulled by Xin Yi instead. It was funny because it was suppose to be the other way round (i started to laugh halfway, LOL).
Thankful for my beehar director/ Jingyu, Assistant director/ our 2 sweetie interns, Jasmine and Cheery / fye 叔叔/ Lighting's 叔叔/ best soundman because he had to listen to me coughing into my mic every now and then because I was having a bad cough at the time when I was filming. D:
大家都超辛苦的!真的很谢谢!^^ I'm hoping to be able to work with them again in coming future!!
For more detailed information, please catch this docudrama next year! :)
It's gonna be a really great show! Like its more of teenager's faced problems (yes, like same as On the Edge but now its in chinese. lol) one sad thing is that - I CANT FIND MY ON THE EDGE EPISODE ONLINE ALREADY :'( my first lead role show no longer be found online :((( can they like upload on xinmsn again? :( Sigh...

now i only have some screen captions by Xingyu for On the Edge :(
mehmeh eat grass :( hopefully the video will be back on xinmsn please :(
or you guys can request it back on the facebook page on http://facebook.com/OntheedgeTV (hehe :p)
Anyway. here are some misc pictures we took during the filming! :)
Our self proclaimed class photo~
Selca by Xiao Xiong~
Amos~~ (we were born on the same day/month/year! haha)
这是我的老大!haha! Cheery- our intern crew! Life is gonna be so bored without her!
Our sweet intern crew Jasmine~~
This is 心宜(Xin Yi)! My awesome Main Lead actress in the show!
珊 (SHAN) & 心宜(Xin Yi)!
珊 (SHAN) & 心宜(Xin Yi)!
珊 (SHAN) & 心宜(Xin Yi) in our cute uniforms. LOL
After a long day of shoot, off we go for some KFC~~~
They are acting as the young version of 心宜(Xin Yi)! and a small cute bully~~ hehe
Her name is Rachel and she is only 10 years old. but she has amazing acting skills!
Another picture of our "Class".
那些年,我们一起读过的书 or
Ending off with a group photo with our always looking young director & our Fye 叔叔!
Finally done with post! i love to write posts belonging to my filming journey! it's so fun! and im blessed to experience all these during my teenage years. :)
I'm praying for more to come in future......
can you hear me casting directors...... haahahha, shall go to bed to continue to dream~~ LOL