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[Contest] Mentholatum Acnes ultimate ulzzang Best Face contest


More blog post to come soon! After I've shoot for @clothesdrode (on instagram) then i'll post up another blog post + I will be giving away 3 tops (brand new, courtesy of me! ^^). So stay tuned for that post! I know you all love giveaways right.....hahahah! i love it too la, but every time when i participate, I don't win one so i gave up. LOL

okay, anyway, today's post is on Mentholatum Acnes Ultimate Ulzzang Best Fact Contest Semi-finals where the top40 gets to meet and greet with each other as well as the Mentholatum's organizers + the ultimate ulzzang pairing Miyake & Yutaki! :) This is the first time i get to see them too and they're really handsome and pretty! 男的帅,女的美!

The venue is sponsored by Windowsill In the Woods,
Location: 78 Horne Road, Singapore 209078
Nearest MRT: Lavender Station
Instagram: @windowsillpies
(yes, its super new my place!! didnt know my area has such a wonderful restaurant!! I'm gonna frequent there always!! because good ambiance with good food!)

Camewhore a little before the start of the programme! heheeee~

There were a couple of activities that we need to do, but first the above awesome and beautiful ulzzangs are part of the team! :D 

For the very first activity, it was divided into 2 parts, where the mission is:
- To partner up together & take a selca! 
(one will be chosen by the official ambassadors, Miyake and Yutaki for the best photo! While the other one is the Social Media Award- the highest voters for the uploaded selca will be the winner!) 

Valerie and I paired up together as a team and we submitted this: 

haha, it looks like we are gonna eat the products. Nah, we're just endorsing them. hahah! It's pretty difficult to get the highest votes because we had less than 2 hours to take photos, submit and then get your friends to like them within the time frame. Though we didnt win in this category, (the social media award), but i am truly touched and amazed by the tremendous votes that you all had voted! 100+ votes in that one hour frame is totally not easy!! I'm really, truly thankful to all that responded when I needed it. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!! sometimes, i really wonder how do I deserve all these, and thus I am really thankful to god and all my love ones who took their time out to like this picture for me. I'm already a winner because I stand a place in all of your hearts! so touched!! thank you!!! ^^v

In the mean time while taking selcas, Valerie and I just spammed photos! wahahah

hehehe! Valerie is really one cutie pie and she's heading to taiwan to study drama! I really admire her courage to pursue her dreams overseas! I would love too but fear..... you know when you are afraid of failing. what if everything fails? Down to a few words: I'm less courageous in a way la. :( sigh. 

& then there was this huge bear bear lying in the middle of the tree! hahah! cute but smelly bear bear. I think it forgot to bathe. lolll.

AND....... ITS MEAL TIME!!! 
Thank You windowsill in the woods for these delicious food!
We were served this pretty food while they were concluding the scores for the selca parts!

look at the green powder that was sprinkled onto our fries?
those were green tea powder. It's my first time eating something like that too.
At first, I was still thinking if its gonna be weird having green tea fries.... to my surprise, it tasted really refreshing and yummy!! I love it a lot!! ^^
The overall food was really great, even the star tuna sandwich tasted very fresh & nice! :D 
A happy girl is happy when she gets pretty and nice food! 

This is green tea latte! 
friends who know me knew that I dont drink green tea latte but that day i decided to give it a try!
Another surprise popped up cause this hot drink is so refreshing! 
Instant awake you! not saying im falling asleep la, you cant fall asleep with such beautiful ambiance, good food and fun activities with the ulzzangs! haha

We were served our desserts!!
Look how pretty is it again!! 
Haven even get to eat already look super good!
we were served this pie called the "mint pie"! the greenish-bluie (?) colour on top is mint flavour ^^
and it has chocolate and biscuit crust at the bottom! 
YUMMY~~~~~~ please go get the pies at least! its super uber good!!

After lunch, it was the final activity that was the skit! 
Our group decided to do some "mean girls",  "gossip girls" kinda story! hahahah
though we still didn't win in that skit (although i think our story rocks... hahahah) but we truly enjoyed performing the skit and showing to the rest of the ulzzangs! WHEE!

After announcing some challenge winners, this is a picture with the official ulzzangs, Yutaki and Miyake! 
*claps claps* sitting in between them is an extreme honor k. HAHAH
not only they are attractive on the outer, they were super nice and friendly too! ^^v

That concludes the activities that were carried out during the ulzzangs day out and we truly enjoyed ourselves! Though we didn't win any challenge award.. but i was surprised to be awarded with the "Favourite Ulzzang Award"! *throws confetti* because I didn't expect this & also didn't know about this! THANK YOU MENTHOLATUM ACNES for giving me this award & also thank you to all of you who voted for me!! I'm am truly blessed!!!

THANK YOU MENTHOLATUM ACNES! so love so love the products! im enjoying these products now and it's working on my skin perfectly! *showing a shock face la, cause i didnt expect to get this.... lol*

the sparkle cap also from them! I think it suits me really well! hehehehe!

That concludes the day out with the semi-finalists of Mentholatum Acnes Ulzzang Best face contest! the finalist results are not out yet but I sort of able to guess who already is the winner la. hahah. So, it dosent really matter whether I'll clinch it (of course I wish) LOL, but the most important thing is that from this, i am happy that ive got so many of you supporting me! *hugs and kisses*

Ending off with my awesome group of ulzzangs! hehehe!

Before I end off the entire post, I came across Yutaki's instagram and what I felt that was his words were really amazing. It made me agree to the max that I really wanna tell him face to face that you totally rock because you just speak up for many of us. 
He said this in his instagram: "Ulzzang, my translation of Ulzzang is - Hardworking boys and girls who refuse to seat around and complaint that they are born ugly. They spent precious to dress up, doll up, style up, make up. Take a long time to practice their perfect angles on selfies then produce awesome selcas, as a result to boost their self-confidence. To all ulzzangs out there, Fighting! Way to go!"
I really love these words from Yutaki! Its so encouraging and motivating. Awesome much! 

Now, goodnight! I've to wake up at like 7am tomorrow with 1.5 hours of travelling to the west for shoot. NIGHT NIGHT! 


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