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[Volunteer Ad] Lovely Items on Instagram! + updates on my life!

Hi guys!
Sorry for the super long lack of updates and as though I have forgotten this little space of mine...
BUT fret not, I did not! If you've seen my instagram, I am highly active in there~~~ keke
It was because of university, my life has been revolving around Uni then~
With the addition of dance and yes i decided to continue my latin dance! And i really love Ardiente (#truestory although Im still quite afraid to interact with the seniors except for Huimin...keke. and fellow ardiente-ers are super nice as well :D Im blessed!)

School life had been pretty hectic and all. Just got back my law results and I wasnt satisfied at all and came to know that my prof didnt award me with the right marks. Hopefully consultation on Wednesday goes well and he give me my marks back T.T Surprisingly, Stats quiz marks was better than expected! Thank god! It's amazing how ive witness god in my auditorium when I was stuck with questions. Im really grateful and blessed :)

As good things comes along, my application for CDC/CCC and SMU bursaries are offered :) Wheeee~ And yesterday was an expansion reshoot for "Mata Mata" that is showing now on Channel5 and I was quite disappointed with my performance yesterday to be honest. But I had the best director I can never ask for. Director Joey has always been so encouraging since the first day I met him for Mata and I really love working with him :') His words like "I've seen you before and I know you can do it. Feel it~ get into the role" gets me really motivated and push my acting skills to another level but I feel that my performance was still average only. I really hope to be able to work with him again soon! :) #bestdirector! Along with the familiar crew Sunny, Robin, Jason and the soundman that I knew him since my debut days! It was really a good day for shoot and the weather was good as well! & not forgetting i met Vithya back again! #awesomeday!

NEXT GOOD NEWS: have you followed me on instagram?
I volunteered to write this advertorial for this instashop here:
The generous & nice owner did not asked me to write a blog on her shop, all she wanted was for me to model the clothes and send her the pictures and upload on instagram.
It was that simple but I wanted to specially do an advertorial for her because to be honest, I've never come across such shop that sells instocks (mostly) + at a super low price which you can never get in the retail market. it is INSTOCKS most of the time. Explains the delivery? Yes. fast! and She often organized meet ups at Yishun MRT! and so you can get your stocks pretty fast!

I was so happy when Audrey (owner of @lovelyitemss) emailed me to ask me to help her model the clothes and I gained the clothes as sponsorship :) because i really love this shop and i even recommended to my siblings and my friends! To be able to shoot for my favourite instashop makes me super happy. Of course, I really want these shops to make businesses and profits as well! :)

Now, check this 2 pieces of pullovers that were given to me from @lovelyitemss! :)
Special thanks to #bffkat for the taking of photos! :*

This is a pretty versatile 2-piece dress! As you can see from the above picture, you can just go out with the black dress and match it with some accessories and when you're feeling cold, just wear the lightning crop pullover over it! :) Loving how versatile this piece is! AND..... THIS PIECE IS JUST $22!

Im standing at 1.6m and the dress is slightly above my knee! :)

This maroon pullover is a definitely must buy! The material is soooooo soft and the flowers are sewed super nicely which makes the whole piece quality-guaranteed! Guess how much is this? ONLY AT $15!!!! Thats why I wanted to blog about how awesome this instashop is. Selling super nice clothes at such low price. WHERE CAN YOU FIND?!

Unfortunately, and thank you all your support, these 2 pieces are SOLD OUT! but fret not, because Audrey is bringing in more!!!! (SAY YAY!!!!) don't miss it when it's back or you may pre-order with her now! you don't want to miss it again right!

You girls are too lucky, @lovelyitemss is going to have a flea AND MANY THINGS ARE SOLD AT SUCH AFFORDABLE PRICE + THERE ARE MANY PRIZES TO BE WON!!!! (as i always say... she is very generous! you can see all her customers' feedbacks! :')  )

follow @lovelyitemss on instagram to know how to get the holographic clutch at a discounted price! :)
You"ll never regret patronizing :)

To end off the night, here's a video uploaded by the owner to show you girls what is she bringing for the month of October! :) 

Happy Shopping girls! 


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