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Day6- Park Shin Hye's event, Myeondong Cathedral and Myeongdong shopping area!

Hi guys!!

Been procrastinating much lately haha!
So... here's what I did on Day6!

Selfie with twinnie on train~

Went over to Park Shin Hye's event for a beauty brand [Dear], yes, Cha Eun Sang in [The Heirs]!!!
Twinnie and I went to Myeongdong because the event was at Myeongdong!
We went to get the product and was given a queue number to meet Park Shin Hye later.
Their event was totally well-organized and the fans' welfare were very well taken care of!
They passed us a queue number and told us to come back and queue again (thank god because the weather was extremely cold! it was -8degrees!!) They even offered heat packs to the fans queuing outside under the super cold weather!

Before the event starts, twinnie and I went to the Myeongdong Cathedral for sightseeing!

Me and my "ba zhang" attire!
Too cold~

Asked Twinnie to snap a "feel/sentimental" picture for me and she ended up taking this. -.-

Finally, a pass-able one! 

It's so beautiful with like snow/snow flakes around it!

Selfie time #1

Selfie time #2

Selfie time #3!

hahah Korea is all about selfies! HEHEHE
cause Twinnie is too busy to be bothered with me so I can only entertain myself.:p

We headed for a light lunch after that so that we can prepare to see Park Shin Hye!
Here's our lunch menu!!
ITS AWESOME! twinnie and I love the ajumah's food! :D

Fried Dumplings!

Fishcake Soup! Yum~

Kimbap! :')

We started queuing for Park Shin Hye at 230pm and the even starts at 3pm!
Finally i get to see a korean Actress upclose!
Park Shin Hye is super beautiful! Her big eyes and flawless skin makes one hard to believe that her beauty is natural. but definitely true that she is born a natural beauty! 
I spoke to her in korean telling her that Twinnie and I are her Singapore Fans and she was like "ahh, singapore~" I was guessing she wanted to try to write in english for that string of Hangul words because she was hesitating how to, but in the end she gave up and wrote hangul. LOL. super cute!
She then initiate a handshake with me! (totally didnt expect her to do so)
super star struck i swear!
*yea she spelled my name wrongly T.T because the security guard didnt write properly. pfftt*

We came across a few filming sets here and there~
I guess its the news section!
Pretty cool!
The other day when we were at hongik, we witness SBS's filming but we're not sure who the actors were!
They have lots of filming equipment! No wonder they always produce very good shots!

Headed to Starbucks after seeing Park Shin Hye because we were freezing!!~~
Here's a photo with my happy starbucks!
Bought a tumbler at Starbucks and they gave me additional free beverage!!
Singapore dont even do that. pfftt 

After that, Twinnie and I just shop around Myeongdong again!
HAHA Myeongdong is heaven! :D

Lotte Departmental Store's decorations!
Went to check out the MCM bags but it's still freaking expensive!
I shall stick to my "Inspired MCM". LOL

More lightings and decorations!

Street food along the way!
Always so yummy!
I can have like street food for my breakfast/lunch/dinner!
Its way too yummy!

And then look who I saw!!!
Everywhere!~ *.*

Twinnie and I settled for a chinese restaurant along the way!~
Finally we get to eat our jajangmyeon! 
but it tasted average only :(
their apple juice (soda) tasted awesome though! 

Found goddess Yoong's poster and decide to take a picture with her!
it's like heaven and hell la.
goddess Yoong is certainly a goddess! hahaa

Forget to mention, went to shop the entire Forever21 and so happy with my buys!!
The F21 here is mad cheap!
Average around $15?! 
I was so happy looking around for more clothes!!!

while packing some stuff in my apartment, 
forget to show these beautiful bangles I got form Style Nanda!!
Last 2 pieces!! 
Freaking love How i chose them and matched them! wahah
*happy girl*

And that ended off my day6!
Next post, day7~~~


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