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Seoul day #3 and #4: Ehwa and Hongik University

Helloooooooo all!
Sorry for the #3 post yesterday! I was thinking since I'm visiting 2 universities places why not wait until I finished Hongik then i'll proceed together! :D

So here's my continued trip!
On day #3, We went over to ehwa university for shopping!
I really love that area because all the clothes are rather cheap! like you can get simple and nice pullovers for around SGD$6-7!!! 5,000 won! Where can you get this kind of price in Singapore you tell me?!
Didn't really snap a lot of pictures because I was busy shopping~~ :p

I realized I didnt take any pictures of the Train stations area so I decided to snap some along the way to Ehwa University~

They have vending machines around and almost everywhere!

Dangsan was one of the "exchange" stops we had to move over!

How does the Trains in Korea looks like~~ 
Their chairs are rather comfy!! 
And you can eat/drink in the train!! :D

Can't remember where I snap the above picture ://
I think this should be Ehwa already :p

Upon reaching Ehwa, we went into one korean snacks shop to eat!!
and this is our super filling lunch!!


Fish cake soup! (AWESOME)

I've got no idea what is this but it dosent taste nice certainly ://
Rice Cake!!! (Ddeokbokki!)
Satisfying and cheap lunch but that black black sausage lookalike thingy not very nice!
Don't order that next time!! 

We then proceed to SHOPPING!!!!
what i notice here... BAGS BAGS AND MORE BAGS!!!!
it's mostly at 10,000 won which is around $12-13 per bag!!!
don't believe? Look at the pictures!
This is only one shop!

you will never get to find such bags at such prices in Singapore!!
bought for my cousins also and wanted to buy for mamakang but there's no white and some whites too small. hopefully im able to find something soon!

While waiting for my friends to get their shoes, (I KNOW RIGHT THE NUMBER OF SHOES BEHIND), i took my #ootd shot because i love how i matched the pastel colours!
hehe! together with my newly bought boots! :p

While walking and shopping, we saw interesting candy!
Looks like 冰糖葫芦 but its a fruit candy actually!
Coated with candy outside and I chose grapes inside. 
Not really to my liking because I find it too sweet ://

AND THEN...... we came to this churros shop!!
No words can describe my love for chorrus seriously!
So we went into the shop and buy them!!

Happy me with my yummy churros!^^

A lot of shopping done on that day because Ehwa area is simply too nice to shop!
My friends wanted to do some hair treatment and cutting and so, we proceeded to "We hair" 
I was contemplating if I should dye my hair because I always wanted copper red :( 
but they charge me $140~ which is almost the same price as salomvim (what my sister said)
So... ive to give up that thought :(

Selfie with Twinnie while getting her hair treatment!
Oh, and the boss there is very nice!
you all can good look for him to do your hair! (if you don't mind paying a little more for service)

After their hair treatments which took quite some time, 
we bought back some street food as dinner!

sweet potato!
its awesomely yummy! totally love it!

Another favourite dish of mine! Kimchi Dumplings!! AWESOME!

How to say no to kimbap when you're in korea? :p

hehe, that pretty sums up my day! After dinner, we went to this 4 storey tall Diaso just right opposite our apartment and there's so many things that I can buy!!

Day #4: Hongik University!
Seoul snowed during the night I think because when we were up, I looked through the window and there are like snows all around! Saying hi to the snowing seoul~
The weather was much colder than the rest of the days as it was negative!
We braved through the weather and went to Hongik university!

Look at the left side of the picture! snow covering the cars!

#selfie of the day before we head out! :p

After reaching Hongik University station, we settled down for Japanese Cuisine and this was my choice! Tempura Udon set!
It comes with rice, udon, tempura!
The rice is awesome but while eating halfway, I realized I forgot to take picture! 
The rice was better than the Udon in fact!
This whole set costs like 7,000 won only!
no GST no Service charge!!! 
They gave us free yakults too!

After lunch, we went walking around Hongik, we visited Hongik university where we got lost in the campus itself! Their university is not as advanced as us because it is still classroom base! 
quite similar to china!
We did a little shopping too!

and we finally arrived to my heaven!!!
it's so pinkish and hellokitti-sh!

The entrance of the Hello Kitty cafe!

The interior!

The gigantic Hello Kitty plushie! 

A small corner to allow photos as well!

Hello Kitty merchandises! 

Hello Kitty pastries!! 

My choice - Cafe Mocha!
Though the decorations and all looked super kawaii but the food and drink tasted average only~
my cafe mocha was too sweet I had to add water myself!

Paper on tray also Hello kitty!

Sponsorship for @trollyprolley! (on instagram)
These are not the official photos nor is the official advertisement yet because I was so disappointed of the lightings! 
It's orangey-yellow inside and my photos turned out to be yellowish-orangey as well! :(
Cannot show the real colour of the neon-orange skirt which is one pretty vibrant piece!
I've to re-shoot for @trollypolley again but please admire these photos first! haha
I'm in white top with side zips and an orange neon skirt! =)
Vibrant colour for Christmas date! 

now you know why im so unhappy about the lightings. sigh. 
it blended my skirt with the surrondings :(
It's okay, I will re-shoot and do an official advertisement for @trollyprolley!
In the mean while, check them out on Instagram!
Very friendly and sincere owner! :)

The next location we head to was.... TRICK EYE MUSEUM!!!
well, when you walk through the museum, everything looks very normal, like normal paintings and all, the effect will only show up when you snap the pictures!
Do remember to bring a good camera!
I've only got my iphone with me, so I can't take good quality pictures! :(
here are some amazing ones I took!

These were just normal paintings but once you snap these, it looks 3D isnt it? :p

Look at the "shopaholic" me! hahaha

balancing on the "wood"!

Say hi to Princess! 

Best picture twinnie took for me!
I'm an angel!!!! riding a bicycle on the clouds! 
Really love the 3D art for this!

My "chair" which was not a chair, I was sitting on the ground! hehe

BIG BULLY vs small twinnie! 

Fly me to the moon!~

Another favourite picture!
Being the 3rd ballerina! haahah

Love this too!

Another favourite piece! :p

How cool, see who am I on news with?! 

Bring me my sexy legs!~ LOL

"Saranghae yo~"

Intimidated by this scary guy~

We moved on to the ice museum after that
there's so many different color lightings + slide!

The only picture i have with me and my phone died. sigh :(
All in twinnie's phone!

bought a few accessories and a skirt! WHEE

The day ended off with our yummy dinner below!

hehe Be hungry everybody! 
Goodnight!! :D


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