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Still Cuts from "beyond me" & nails update from official sponsor: @ge.nails!

Hello all!
Its me again! Pretty excited for what is coming up after exams but first, have to tackle this hell exam period first definitely! :p
Many many good news coming along the way and I am truly blessed to have these opportunities knocking on my door. Thank you god for everything :)

Now, here are some updates from my nails sponsor! I'm already on my 3rd set of gelish nails and I am always so amazed by Jeanne because she practically knows how to draw every single design which I showed her.

This was the blue nails I had for Chinese New Year 2015!

Was brainstorming on what nails should i do for CNY because I wanted something unique!
I don't really want the typical "CNY" nails like having some 对联 or angpaos on my nails. This is purely my personal preference, some may like them. All i knew was that I wanted gradient nails. And me being me, I am always not able to walk out of my safety colours like pink/gold/white. (HAHAH I'm boring like that. No la, it is because i know myself too well. these colours would suit me more generally.) So, I decided to try for blue gradient nails! Thanks to Jeanne, the blue was so pretty! She decorated some of my nails with foil as well. :D So while in the midst of painting them, I came across her CNY nails collection! & obviously I fell in love with the 公仔 on her designs! there, you can see one boy boy and girl girl on my thumb! So cute right! Jeanne DREW them. Wa, I felt nervous for her also because such drawing requires a high level of meticulousness. Nevertheless, she did it so well  and I love the 2 cutie 公仔 on my thumb! hehe

The month of March: Dance Production inspired nails

& these are my third and current set of nails done at Jeanne's place! 
Was telling Jeanne I needed a set of new nails to prepare for my annual dance production. 
I was researching on Disney nails at first, you know those Cinderella, Beauty and the beast kind?? but they do not really have the designs I really really love. So it eventually led me to these set of "barbie" nails! I'm loving this set of nails the most. I don't know why but I think because it has most of my favourite colours on them and it just looked pretty. woohoo~  Jeanne re-modified a little as compared to the one I found online & its looking better than the one I researched on. keke. She applied this particular pink gel polish which changes its colour according to the temperature I am experiencing!
So when I am in a hot area or feeling warm, the pink nails will be in light pink colour. However, when I am in a cold area or feeling cold, it will turn to a dark pink or champagne red in colour. Super
"chio"! Look at those blings that are on my nails? Jeanne stick them one by one! kudous for her hardworking, meticulous work as always! Still deciding what should I do for my next set of nails~ Love how Jeanne always took great care of my nails!

You can find Jeanne from Instagram!!
& forgot to mention, Jeanne charges her nails services at an affordable price!
Time to pamper your nails!

Still cuts from "Beyond Me"- A shoot for EVA Airways Competition

Was shooting with an awesome team yesterday for a competition organized by EVA Airways!
You will love the stills especially when the team  knows how to capture your best angles always!
there are so many footage which I'm absolutely in love with!
Of course, it will be good if we could win this competition because after all we spent hours under the hot sun just to capture the best clips. HAHHA if we don't, then maybe we are just not fated with it & shall just include this into our respective portfolio and memories! It was a fun shoot because everyone was flexible with what they are doing & created something which most of us liked. Do head over to my instagram at to view the video! If you like it, why not just double tap it and let us know? :D 

Now, am off to continue my projects!
Blessed Friday all! :)


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