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Teenage Gorgeous You x 313 Alphabet Challenge

Hi guys!

I am back with Teenage's 4th Challenge! And you know what, this time round we had explore what to eat, play and shop at 313@somerset! Sounds fun right, I mean I love roaming around and look for interesting things I can do around town!

I'm sure 313@somerset is not foreign to all of us. And I go to town very often because my school and home are really near town! Hence, I was so excited to showcase what is there to do in 313@somerset! BUT, Teenage puts in a rule - they gave us 6 random alphabets and mine are "B,E,G,R,V,S!"
We can only head to the stores starting with the random alphabets which were assigned to us!

With that, I’ve asked my friend, Katherine, who was helping me to video the challenge to choose 4 alphabets out of the 6 that was assigned to me. And first up, was the letter R! R was a tricky one because there was only 1 store in the entire mall that starts with the letter “R”. Which brings us to “Royal Sporting House” at #05-05!

I am not considered a “sports” kind a person, but being in Royal Sporting House had my eyes on the varieties of sports essential it carries! Furthermore, we all know that this is the season where pastel colours are well loved, even the sports shoes! If you are like me, who has no ideas on which brand to look out for, you can head to Royal Sporting house where they carry all brands under one roof!

Check out my video tour at Royal Sporting House! I fell in love with this bright orange sports bag by Adidas and couldn’t take my eyes off! Kat was asking if I am actually shopping for completing the challenge. LOL. But trust me, I had that 3 seconds’ moments where I really wanted to buy that bag! Sigh

With that, we moved on to the next letter which is B! (Kat chose them on a random basis too. We tried choosing the alphabets based on like interesting acronyms and all but we failed because the letters are too….. unique *secret laughs*) I wanted to continue with the search on the store directory which was provided by Teenage but I forgot it wasn’t with me at that time because I put it into Kat’s bag. BUT, thanks to the Tring 313 App that makes things easier, I can now search from its directory straight! Moreover, the app buzz you if you are around a certain radius of 313@somerset and gets you exclusive promotions/offers at that point of time! So if you we are a town person, do download the app to get these promo or discounts!

Next, we headed to Ben & Jerry’s! Woohoo, give a girl ice-creams and she’ll be happy for a lifetime. I loved the cookie dough ice cream Ben & Jerry’s has and always bother my mum to buy it for me (though it’s a pricier than the other ice-creams) but, the cookie dough just increase the richness and flavour of the ice cream. Yums. 

Can’t contain my excitement for Ben & Jerry’s! Good job Kat for the alphabet choice! :p

Next, Kat chose the Letter V. So I used the app and navigate my way to Victoria’s Secret!

Victoria’s Secret reminds me of all its Bomb Shell series! I had most presents from Victoria’s Secret when I held my 21st birthday party like 3 years ago and that was when I was introduced to Victoria’s Secret officially. It has a wide range of perfumes/body mists/body soap etc. which one will most probably have a difficult time choosing which fragrance(s) is/are more enticing. So take your time there, girls! 

And, our last alphabet – E!!! E for excited as well because my choice is none other than Etude House! 

I am always in love with how Etude House market themselves in a very girly/princessey kind a concept. Even if you are not in need to buy a particular product, you will be enticed to buy because they are just too pretty! Their Lips Talk series are its promoting range now and I swear the packaging are too beautiful! In its outlet, you can just try on the products and take your time to slowly explore what Etude House has! Probably I will do up a blogpost on the makeup products I’m using! My Eye shadow palettes are from Etude House!

With that, I shall end my post here and happy exploring 313@somerset! You can download the Tring 313 App on App stores!

Ciao~ Watch my day tour at 313@somerset over at my youtube - 


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