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Teenage Gorgeous You x Final Challenge 7: Spread Love!

Hello Guys!

So, this is the Final Challenge from Teenage and here I am touching on a topic to spread internet positivism and love! I am going to share a story close to my heart and I hope that you will be inspire and live life fullest regardless of being on the internet or the real world.

Internet has always been the place where I can pen down my inner thoughts and real feelings. As I looked back to the posts, I realized how much and what I've been through during my early teenage years. Obviously, I had my fair share of embarrassment and laughter and went "WTheck, why did i write/post things like that?" (LOL). But I mean, who hasn't been through such ridiculous phase in life.

The most important thing is to always be yourself, or be the change to spread positivity and love to yourself and the people around you. It didn't come across to me how important is it to be yourself till i was older. I was always trying to be someone else because they are so great, so beautiful, so inspiring. Hence, intuitively, I wanted to be them. I wanted to be loved by the internet readers. But, this isn't the way to go. All these while, I am trying to be someone else just because I felt so lousy about myself - It was pure TIRING to live the lives of others.

As I (try) to be part of the internet world which they call it the influencers, I got bashed by hurtful comments on the internet. And those comments can heavily affect a person's day, week, or even months. Back then, the internet has determined the "standards of beauty" an influencer needs to have. And I, had nothing that matches that standard. So, I begin to heavily Photoshop all my photos - to the point where I couldn't even recognize myself so that I can match up to the "standards to beauty" that is set.

Let me dig through my old photos (I had to search back then man) HAHHA I was actually afraid of showing my past when (I try and wanting) to be an influencer. Well, a relatively failed one because all I did was to hide behind my computer editing my "chui" face to someone that can say "wow beautiful!" Of course, it didn't last long. People will recognize you sometimes and go "you look different" (in a bad way of course). or "why are you so slim in pictures?" I got many sad and hurtful comments. and HELLO, these comments will really affect someone really badly! So, I must emphasize that spreading love is really really important. It is not easy to state things out explicitly on the internet, it takes courage and hard work.

Ok, please don't judge me. This was taken in 2013 I think. I wasn't satisfied with my looks and because of my own insecurities - needing to match up to the back-then "influencer's definition of beauty," I photo-shopped all my pictures very badly. I mean a little is ok, but not the extreme, you get what I mean? It really takes courage to post things online and to have people reading them. The internet is like an online journal where I want to write down every single meaningful thing in my life so when I looked back, I've something to remember. But, it truly hurts when you get bashful comments bringing you down and bringing down your self-esteem and confidence even lower. Just because I'm afraid of showing my real-self, just because I wanted to receive love from the internet world, just because I had no courage of revealing my own character and aesthetics yet I want to post things that I can share and keep as memory, I had to be a different me - and this is ridiculously tiring and mentally straining. 

As I grew older, I realized all these needs to stop. It is tiring to match up to standards. It is tiring to look "beautiful" all the time. I just want to be myself and I want my followers to be people who enjoys looking and reading about my life. I don't want them to read/look at me in someone else's life. Hence, no more extreme Photoshop, no more trying to copy styles, no more trying to be (many) hers. I am just myself, being myself. I truly learnt how important it is to be yourself. You don't have to care about how others looked at you because it is YOUR LIFE. you call the shots and you determine what you want your life to be! People will love you for who you are! 

And I just want to point out that even if you've received bashful comments while simply just trying to be yourself, at least you are yourself, and your family and friends know you are genuine. And to people who are always commenting bad things online, please stop hating and start loving! We are all humans, why not take the step to encourage, spread happiness or simply say "You made my day!" I swear spreading love comments make you and the other party's day! 

Because I've been through the harsh phase, I will Pledge to stop hating and start loving and I am challenging you to do so too! 

So, #Stophating and #Startloving! Make the internet a better place and encourage content creators of their works! =) Your comments make a difference in content creators' life! So start spreading love! 

This Marks the end of my #TGY2017 Journey and thank you all for following my Teenage Gorgeous You Journey till date! I love Y’all! Thank You TeenageMangazine and my fellow TGY2017 mates! <3 
It has been a challenging yet fun period and it forces me to think of creating campaigns! Never regretted joining in the Teenage Family! 

Watch my creative campaign here --> 


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