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Showing posts from July 4, 2008
Hello dearies! :] finally can blog like DUH! LOL! my sister dont allow me to use com. and somemore she's younger than me. seee how fierce is she. xD School has been fine. except that there are lots of chicken pox being spread around. i'm super scared that i will be infected by it la. i'm super scare! cos i dont have chicken pox outbreak before. so i must take care of my body more. MUST NOT LET MYSELF GOT CHICKEN POX! SHENGHUI got me the OBS shirt! thanks ! :] edwin you better take care of yourself ah. let's hope its not chicken pox. and and and i'm so confused! i got stuck between 2 phones i want. SE Cybershot C902 or SE W890i? People, i need your help to give me some advices and information to this 2 phones, so i can decide.! hehehs. TAGS REPLIED! ♥ kuku mei : ahhas! monday didnt go leh, you wanna go play pool rite? LOL! i feel like plucking his hair out la. LOL! ♥ hsiehhui : Partner! hahahahs! yea! but speech of silence not bad ma. (: hehes! try watching that! :D